
Help Us Celebrate Our 10,000th Post! – Prizes Added

10,000 Posts!

UPDATED – We’ve reached 10,000 posts and to help us celebrate, 10 of you lucky SSD readers will win a Tarsier Eclipse generously donated by our friends at MATBOCK, LLC. Another 10 will win t-shirts from Beyond.


The Tarsier Eclipse is an accessory for NVGs designed to allow the operator to see objects from 18? to infinity at the same time and without loss of clarity. It incorporates a smooth action, high performance optical iris that can quickly be adjust open or closed depending on the amount of ambient light. Additionally, the clear front Corning Glass sacrificial lens can quickly be replaced without tools.

The Tarsier Eclipse is designed to fit the following models of NVGs:

-AN/PVS-23 (F5050YG)

Our friends at Beyond have offered 10 T-shirts to other readers.


1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD share your favorite SSD article and why. Only entries here on SSD (not Facebook) are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 2359 Zulu on 12 January, 2014.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winners.

4. Ten (10) winners will be selected randomly from the comments to receive a Tarsier Eclipse from MATBOCK LLC (NODs not included). Another Ten (10) will receive T-shirts from Beyond.

5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Due to the technology, US entries only. Void where prohibited.

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209 Responses to “Help Us Celebrate Our 10,000th Post! – Prizes Added”

  1. Nick M says:

    My favorite article was the recent gunfighter moment from Mike Pannone that started with “What are you willing to do to protect your loved ones?”

    Gave me a lot of new material to explain to family or friends that questioned my carry of a firearm.

  2. Riceball says:

    I really enjoyed your articles here on the Army’s Camouflage Improvment program, I found those articles to be really interesting and very informative. I envy and admire your resources in getting the scoop on the various camo patterns being tested and especially the way you were able to get pics of the Multicam patterns well before they were released to the general public.

  3. Leleand says:

    My favorite article/articles were those related to last years 2A battle. I like to think this sight and it’s readers played a part in defeating the anti 2A agenda.

  4. Bob says:

    I enjoy many of the articles here, but I’d have to say my favorite article was the one on Burly Double Weave, in your Softshell
    Tech series for Arc’teryx.

    I have to say, it got me off the fence when it comes to softshells.

  5. Sean says:

    I think Paul Howe’s post “2nd Amendment and the Koolaid drinkers” was a great moment of clarity during the early 2013 “gun grabber” frenzy and fear mongering. He did a good job of dispelling internet theorizing and speculation.

    Like others, I loved all the ACIE updates as well. Keep up the good work, SSD, and I can’t wait to see your 20,000th post!

  6. Jodie says:

    I liked this article,

    But I like all of the weapon and gear coverage, is one of my tabs that opens every time I open chrome.

  7. cimg says:

    The series of articles on the camo improvement program was great, great info from you, but great feedback from Guy Cramer et al. Best part was the pic you posted from STRIPES with the guys in OD Green. Factual info and humor makes this a great site!

  8. Ragnar Aco1/75 says:

    Favorite write-up was “Some Thoughts on the Army Camo Improvement Industry Day”

    Your story about soldiers not having the right uniform when they actually needed it was an eye opener. I guess I was lucky being in the unit I was in. Thank you for your service.

  9. AgileP says:

    Lot’s of cool stuff here on this site, just randomly picking a good one…

  10. MacDeth says:

    Not being in the industry I enjoy any of your articles about the latest year’s SHOT Show. Since I can’t go in person, I love seeing the industries latest equipment and gadgets.


  11. Kyle C. says:

    Wow to pick 1 article out of the 10,000 posted is a challenge.
    This one would have to be one of my favorites. I said one of them cause I had the opportunity to work on this contract. Nice to have a website that is up to date on the industry, companies involved, and the people behind all of the hard work. Keep up the good work and look forward to another 10,000.

  12. egs says:

    Another Cool Tip From Kyle Defoor – Using aluminum foil to shim lights (and therefore, gear) mounted on rails

  13. CSPSNTF says:

    I have been looking for new NVG for my PD and this gave me a lot of useful information

  14. Thor says:

    My favorite story is it was the very first press release I ever wrote, and it looks like you guys picked it up! Love all the work, and I read the blog daily to keep my fingers on the pulse of the industry.

  15. Ground Rat says:

    I’ve enjoyed this website’s informative posts ranging from gear reviews to following the Army camo research. But the first time I stumbled across this site, I was looking for information on day packs. I first heard of Hill People Gear from SSD, and I’m extremely grateful! So my favorite post is my first:

  16. Steven S says:

    SSD gets the best info/insight in the US military camo drama.

  17. Jon says:

    I enjoy reading just about everything you SSD posts but one of my most recent favorites has to the be the SEAL Ranger rap battle!

  18. ScoutSmith says:

    My favorite posts are those which share your Boy Scouting and BSA Leadershipactivities, especially you Scout Tested posts. Many of our Scouts are future users of the products and services which you share with the readers. I’ll bet that many of your readers have been Scouts or are Scout Leaders themselves. Keep the good words for Scouting coming.

  19. DETLEF SANCHEZ says:

    I like all of them.
    They are very interesting to be updated.

  20. mike says:

    My favorite recent post is

    And before that the “should I send gear to this guy” article. I love the conversation that gets stirred by these topics and love to see the SSD followers mix on issue. Keep up the good work; information AND snark!

  21. Hoff says:

    I enjoyed reading about US4CES and the comparisons with the existing patterns. It is hard to nail down just one article as so much stuff gets posted here that perks my interest. This site is an almost daily visit for me. Keep on posting!

  22. Patrick says:

    I was turned onto to SSD when looking up reviews for plate carries and miscellaneous military gear. It’s always nice to hear what’s out there, what’s coming out, and what people think of various pieces of equipment. Now I refer all of my buddies to this site when they have industry questions.

    My favorite article was about the PCU Level 9. It was my favorite, because I was always curious if there were other manufactures besides Crye Precision making combat uniforms for SOF. This article showed me that there was. Thanks for keeping us informed, SSD!

  23. Ag47 says:

    This is my first post here. I just want to let you know that your site is awesome, amazing AND epic! All the latest gear, news and tips updated several times a day. I turn on all my friends to your site. Keep up the great job! Keep calm and keep kicking ass!

  24. sean says:

    I view the site just to see product news/announcements and military news.

  25. dtyo says:

    My personal favorite article(s) was during the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting during the intensifying effort to strip away our constitutional rights, specifically the “The Bill of Rights Is Not a Takeout Menu
    Monday, February 4th, 2013”.

    Keep it up SSD, the variety of articles and content bring me to this website daily.

  26. Gulo says:
    The article about Mike Rowe talking to scouts really hit home with me, not only as someone who’s always said and done work smart and hard, but as a eagle too. I made rank a little over ten years ago and SSD’s scout related articles have been greatly appreciated reminders of some great memories. Keep doing the good turns you guys are so good at. 🙂

  27. Luke says:

    I enjoy all the shot show write ups and any new gear articles. Thanks!!

  28. Hank says:

    I’m a big fan of the summary article on the camo improvement. Really all the coverage of the camo effort. Top notch journalism if you ask me. Keep up the great work at SSD! I visit every day. (Even when I’m supposed to be working.)

  29. SME says:

    Any article about new gear and the camo options.

  30. Surviving let alone succeeding in this business is no small task. Congratulations and continued success!

  31. Shawn says:

    My favorite post(s) were the commentary and feedback posts while you were posting links to Guy Cramer’s analysis of IR & SWIR effects on camouflage patterns. My favorite article of the bunch was the one which quoted a study from USMA which identified Krylon spray paint and hair spray as effective means to create contrast in the IR spectrum without buying new camouflage. I’ve passed that link on to at least a dozen other Soldiers who have found it useful as well. As always, I learn something every day here. The more you know…

  32. EL says:

    this was my first step into the world of 1911. being interested in 3d printing, and watching a 1911 being printed, by sintering was profoundly amazing. i am very interested in steels / how metallurgy has evolved to being able to powder form steels

    i realized how and why the 1911 platform is the most customized, i purchased one and fell in love with my kimber.. i know it led through tangents, but this started it!!

  33. Stash says:

    To pick just one, would be difficult…but the posts about Hill People Gear and their kit made me re-think what a pack and hiking system should be. Without SSD I may never have heard of them (and they may never have gotten so much of my money!), I thought I knew my options and had carried every type of pack worth springing for, but HPG for me is “rest of your life” type gear. Check SSD daily for great info and articles.

  34. Vic says:

    I’ve got several favorite SSD articles, but one of the ones I’ve refered back to often and shared with others was “what are you training for”

    This article really hits home for instructors and students, for professionals and civilians. It’s the kind of insight that we should all approach our training with. As a bonus its a good kick in the butt too.

  35. The Man says:

    I really like the Shot Show previews. Probably because you had sneak peeks of the Hot Shots Calendar snuck in there. The only thing better than seeing a hot chick, is seeing a hot chick with a gun.

  36. Cav Guy says:

    I definitely like the piece on the new Cadex sniper chassis. I’ve worked with the company to improve and field the SOLO sight. Awesome company, great products, and phenomenal staff. Keep an eye on those guys. Their going places.


    This was a very sobering test to witness. I was standing less than 5 feet from Matt when he shot himself. I asked him to test it, and I set the caliber choice. Little did I know…

    The back story here is that this is only the 4th time he has self demo’d, the first with a .45ACP, that he had promised not to do demo’s after his kids were born, and we flew in with the panel randomly picked out of our warehouse, so it wasn’t doubled up or special in any manner. The panel could be any panel they had built and delivered. That’s solid!

    This was the most pure form of believing in your product I have ever been a part of, and cannot yell loud enough how impressed I am with Matt Davis and Armor Express. Not to disclose personal info, but Matt is a very good man and close to his family, he called his wife a few minutes before he commenced with the demo to tell her he loved her. Sobering to say the least. The test range was silent, despite having a dozen people in there.

    I’d like to thank SSD for covering this in such a professional manner. There are lots of haters out there, mostly folks who don’t think before they post. This wasn’t a circus trick, it was a statement by a man who knows he’s asking others to believe in his product for life and death situations.

    Thank you Eric, love your site and work. Stay slap-happy as always bro!


  38. Outlaw 2-5 says:

    My favorite post was most likely the new Multicam camoflauge release countdown. Mostly because I was really looking forward to it. I also greatly enjoy your SHOT Show coverage. Coincidentally this is my very first post. But I’ve been on this website for just over three years now, and am grateful that my first search for a tactical news forum turned out to be the best one.

  39. vdmsr says:

    Do not really have a specific post which was my favorite or really stood out. I enjoy your coverage of SHOT and Warrior Expo’s. I was at Warrior Expo East last year when you were doing a write up at the KAC booth. Cool and professional, just as I figured from the content and tone of this site.

  40. Spartacus says:

    Any and all of the camo updates. Particularly the ones detailing Hyperstealth and the Camo Improvement Effort. I am very disappointed and even frustrated by the way congress is acting and what the army has defacto chosen to do via inaction.

  41. Ivan Anthony says:

    SSD is one of my daily reads and it is heard to pick only one article. However, if I do have to pick one, I am partial to (Delta Force – “Old Soldier”). I enjoyed the song immensely. Thanks again.

  42. Ipkiss says:

    I like how you try to keep some track on events/changes related so soldier systems outside the US. There’s a lot going on in the US that foreign readers can learn from, but maybe, just maybe sometimes it also can be the other wat ’round.
    Finally I like how you said you’d send me some patches around june ’13 and I’m still waiting for them. 😉 You’ll never know when they show up!

  43. LCSO264 says:

    I really enjoyed this post (and all the other associated/related posts):

    I found the entire Army camo search interesting, if not a little maddening as well?

    I also really enjoy the Gunfighter Moments posts and the Ask SSD posts.

    kepp up the good work!

  44. Grant says:

    Great products, Great Articles. The best article we all must admit is this one giving away a free NOD.

  45. K9ballmonkey says:

    I enjoy seeing the posts on updates to the SPEAR program. It is usually how my teammates and I find out about the new equipment available. typically we just see some one else using it downrange, just to find out it has been available for months prior to leaving.

  46. Bill says:

    I’m a gear whore so any article about the newest bad that I might use for EDC is of interest, especially Kifaru. And I, like many others, enjoy the shot show write-ups. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  47. jjj0309 says:

    Wow, 10,000 posts. Keep up your good work, SSD. You’re the Best Tactical Blog ever.
    I’d like to enter giveaway but I don’t have any NVG devices and can’t afford to buy one.

  48. MPFTW says:

    Any shot show article, love seeing what new stuff is coming out!

  49. NateM says:

    My favorite SSD article was a cation this with the Air Force. Funny all around.

  50. TDB says:

    My favorites are the Gunfighter Moments. Particularly this one from Pat Mcnamara
    because of the very true but very simple reminder that if you can legally carry you sure as hell better be packin’ when you leave the house.