RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Slangvel Hats Now In MultiCam Tropic


Slangvel will soon be offering his M43, Patrol hat, and Recce in MultiCam Tropic, a pattern heavily influenced by the ERDL camouflage pattern.



14 Responses to “Slangvel Hats Now In MultiCam Tropic”

  1. jjj0309 says:

    Looks like Multicam Tropic is the greanest camo in the market. Greener than Cadpat, Czech, or even Pencott greenzone. It’s like Saint Patrick’s Day with some bruises.

  2. Namer says:

    Those yellowish spots don’t fit at all in such a camo, they are totally useless. it makes it detactable.

  3. Will says:

    You may have mentioned this sometime ago, but is this the ‘woodland’ pattern that the US Army decided to pass up on?

    Has anyone had a chance to test it out in a less tropical wooded area like FT Lewis?

    The more I see of this and the airid pattern the more I like them.

    • SSD says:

      It’s slightly different than what the Army was offered, but that has to do with colors and not pattern.

  4. My Lying Eyes says:

    Let’s see a hat with fold over ear flaps in multicam artic.

  5. CAVstrong says:

    I’m sold. Let’s adopt the marine corps uniform in the tropic and arid pattern and issue ocie in transitional with special artic kit in alpine.

  6. Kaos-1 says:

    So, I take it companies are receiving fabrics in the new colors, other than the multicam black crap……who am I kidding , winter will be over by the time stuffs made in multicam artic.

    • Lasse says:

      I heard rumors about winter is coming back in November/December 2014, like every other fucking year.

      • Kaos-1 says:

        I heard rumors that life isn’t definite , I could die in a car accident in 2 weeks, be diagnosed with a brain tumor in 4 months, world war 3 could break out in the pacific this coming summer. I’m hunting coyotes now!!! ….dick

        • Chef Rigby says:

          life isnt definite, but the changing of the seasons is.

          • KaosKydexSolutions says:

            No, but with the advances in modern medicine and his high level of income, its not crazy for him to live to be at least 2 maybe even 300.

        • Kaos-1 says:

          To late, marpat overwhites on the way. Thank god for eBay .

  7. Kory Smith says:

    I don’t like it the greens are to similar and the other colors are in such small amounts you probably would just look like a green blob or a clover patch at more than 10 yards.

  8. eggroll says:

    commenting on the “look” of a pattern outside the context of its requisite terrain regime combined with lack of wear and environmental infiltration onto said piece(s) is laughable.

    In short, dont knock on a products suitable efficacy / practicality without knowing its context