SureFire XC3

Revolvr – A Revolutionary New M-Commerce App In The Firearms Industry

Revolvr is a firearm accessory peer to peer exchange that was founded by the entrepreneurs behind Rainier Arms, Defense Marketing Group, and the newly announced PayMeBaby platform that drives the PistolPay payment service. Today, Revolvr officially unveiled the company and its first product, the free Revolvr Android app, which is based on creating a social buying experience for firearm enthusiasts. Revolvr is the first native m-commerce application that is open to the 2A friendly community that allows individuals to freely buy and sell firearm accessories.


“Hundreds of millions of dollars are exchanged each year in the secondary firearm market, we are looking to decrease the friction of this exchange using technologies of today paired with our new partners at PistolPay, to enable safe payments between firearm enthusiasts across the United States.” said John Hwang, founder & CEO of Revolvr. “We created Revolvr so that the firearm industry can “revolve” their used firearm accessories.”

How it Works
Revolvr solves the much needed problem of person to person transactions in the firearms community. A new Revolvr user can download the application from the Google Play Store and sign up for the service and begin posting their new or used parts & accessories in the mobile application. “We wanted to create a mobile first experience with Revolvr which is why we didn’t start with a website commerce site” said Tony Bristol, founder & Chief Product Officer of Revolvr. “Eventually we will have a website, though we didn’t want it to drive our design or user experience in the mobile centric society we operate in today’s world.” Revolvr will bring together firearm enthusiasts from across the United States to exchange their valued items in a safe and secure way. Revolvr takes a small fee of each sale to cover credit card transaction fees as well as continued investment into the Revolvr app development.
Revolvr is integrated with the latest social tools like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to share items easily with user’s social networks. Revolvr also leverages the PistolPay payment service which is the only 2A friendly peer-to-peer payment service in the market, combining the security PCI compliance with the safety of an escrow solution.

The Team
Revolvr was founded in August, 2013 by a team of firearm innovators and a mobile application pioneer: John Hwang and Paul Hwang of Rainier Arms and Tony Bristol, previously with Microsoft; and for the last 6 years, an executive and founder of multiple mobile startups.
“For several years our industry has been discriminated against by large ecommerce and payment solutions. Revolvr brings together the latest mobile technologies leveraging Tony’s experience in the technology and mobile startup ecosystem with Paul and my grassroots knowledge of the firearms industry, to deliver a product that truly serves our industry.” said John Hwang, Rainier Arms CEO and firearms marketing guru.

About Revolvr
Revolvr is a mobile firearm accessory marketplace built around the mobile social experience. Firearm enthusiasts are able to quickly post their accessories and buy new or used items right from their phones. Revolvr’s 2A friendly community brings firearm enthusiast together to share their individual collections, allowing open commerce for a community underserved by the newest technologies. Founded in August of 2013, Revolvr is headquartered in Auburn, WA. For more information, please visit Revolvr’s free Android App can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

This looks like a really cool app. Unfortunately, it’s not yet available for iOS, although according to the Revolvr website it’s coming soon.


6 Responses to “Revolvr – A Revolutionary New M-Commerce App In The Firearms Industry”

  1. BMWgunfighter says:

    Tried looking for this in Google Play Store to no avail. Any ideas or is it not up yet?

  2. Jeremy says:

    It is not currently showing up on the google play store, and the link on the company website to get the app is dead.

  3. straps says:

    The solution is 50% things like this, 50% de-stigmatization of 2A commerce.

    A stay-at-home parent with the time to mobilize against “tools” needs to devote some energy to hypocrites like Jim Carrey and Matt Damon, both of whom have generated BILLIONS from media glorifying wanton gun misuse, then hopped the fence to the “guns are bad, mmmkay” side.

  4. JP says:

    I’m told I’m a bit extreme in my love of privacy, but I don’t think integration into Facebook, Google+, and Twitter is something anyone should want. Sounds like an outright bad idea. I’ll pass, and go about my business privately.

  5. TonyB says:

    Hi All,
    Revolvr launched officially on Monday. Have a go at it and let us know your comments. This type of technology only gets better with all your input.

    Regarding social sharing, I can definitely respect the privacy piece and this is one of our core tenants for the app. The social sharing is 100% user initiated. So you can be as private or public as you wish.

    Thanks for your support!
    CTO – Revolvr