
THIS Is What Happens When You Hang Out With Marines

Recently, some SSD readers were upset when I posted a photo of the POTUS wearing a rather misshapen helmet cover. Apparently, suggesting a Marine may have pulled a prank is un-PC.


Earlier today I received an “I Spy” photo of a Marine member of a Female Engagement Team taken from page 56 of JFQ Issue 70, 3rd Quarter 2013 article on “Insights From The Women In Combat Symposium” in my inbox. No sooner than I noticed she had an empty holster did the version I’ve shared above arrive. The extra artwork is the work of a Marine although I must say his mastery of graphics design singles him out as a guy who’s done a staff tour.

Yes, Marines have senses of humor and THIS is what happens when you hang out with Marines.

40 Responses to “THIS Is What Happens When You Hang Out With Marines”

  1. Angry Misha says:

    A) She gave it to the civilian photographer.
    B) It was too heavy to carry, but the holster provides rapid access to snacks.
    C) She lost it.

    Regardless, I’m sure someone who knows said lieutenant will alert her to this and an explanation coupled with a demand to remove the post will be forthcoming.

  2. Stan says:

    Umm… Well played SSD. Normally deflection as a debating tactic works, but given your history of weird anti-Marine Corps rants of late, (Remember the odd claim the Corps “bullied” the Army into accepting a camouflage pattern it didn’t want?) “it falls flat for anyone that is a regular reader of your website.

    • Angry Misha says:

      ^why so serious Stan?

    • Erik says:

      If that’s your claim to refute SSD’s “debating tactic”, I should bring up the Marine’s response to the Navy’s introduction of their desert AOR camo, which in turn made that uniform only available to SEALs and their immediate support elements….

      • majrod says:

        Erik – C’mon! Facts don’t count and that’s not what I was told! How dare you try and educate. You’re obviously biased.

    • SSD says:

      Stan, you silly little man. I’ve never said anything of the sort.

  3. Bill says:

    Well, if it’s a SERPA, it couldn’t just have fallen out. Even if she wanted it to.

  4. You've got to be kidding me says:

    I blame her, well because she’s a woman, and she belongs in the kitchen making us men sandwiches & snacks and bringing us frosty cold ones until we call for her to please us. I misplace silverware & plates all the time, you don’t see me trying to be a gourmet chef.

  5. JoJarhead says:

    Well that’s where she keeps her tampons right? Because Marines arent as smart and cool as Rangers right? Women have NO place in the military. Not even in CAG. No matter how tough, fit or mature they are like oh… Professional athletes who get recruited. So yay! Take the piss out of her! Prats.

  6. majrod says:

    SSD – You better be careful. Next thing you know you’ll be banned like Marine Corps Times was from the front registers of the PX…

    • Sean says:

      If someone denies me my SSD fix at work, I’m flying out to quantico so I can punch everyone from mcnosc in the face until it’s fixed.

  7. Angry Misha says:

    I love the disquietude and brawl from the Marine front!! Yes let the butt hurt flow from your POG bodies!!!!

  8. N703 says:

    I’m willing to bet she’s got the pistol high up on her kit, and forgot to move it down to her holster after dismounting an MRAP.

  9. 10thMountainMan says:

    Sadly, the missing pistol does not bother me nearly as much as the concept of a Female Engagement Team being utilized in a country where females have no power, control or authority to effect a behavioral change which can assist in achieving my commander’s intent.

    All they ever end up doing is having tea parties and chit chatting about pie in the sky dreams concerning how Afghan women can be better included in their society.

    Don’t get me wrong. I have no problem using women on a modern battlefield if they provide me with measurable results. All the FETs have ever given me though are migraines.

    /end rant……. It is a funny picture.

  10. Danke says:

    April 1 I want to see SSD, Duffel Blog, and Terminal Lance swap passwords and run amuck.

    I am also aware of Air Force Blues but no; not on the A-list (sure hope some AF folks read this).

  11. Billy says:

    I happen to recall and incident at TBS (Quantico) in 1980.
    During a maneuver in the friendly woods of VA, a 2ndLT leaned his M16 against a tree to take a pi$$. After completing said chore, he meandered off to join the rest of his platoon of new 2Leuys. After a bit of time he noticed (or someone asked) his M16 wasn’t in hand? A true “OH $HIT!” moment. The company commander brought the entire company on a long skirmish line and retraced the 2ndLT’s footsteps. And sure enough, leaning against a tree, was the Commandant’s son’s M16!

  12. mr bean says:

    So much butt hurt over jokes. There always were those people who couldn’t take any criticism, be it real or a joke. God forbid they get a counseling statement

  13. James says:

    It’s probably in her dump pouch, that thing looks loaded down.

  14. SPQR476 says:

    Sorry, but yes, the Marine Corps is not a place for thin skin. Public ridicule and mockery are tools used by peers to keep idiots in line, or drive them batty until they are on a permanent S-4 FAP raking rocks around the Bn CP. Doesn’t matter if it’s a male or a female, if you show up to the party like a bag of smashed ‘holes, expect scorn and derision until you are shamed into conformity, and accepted into the fold. As a leader, if you make bad decisions and policies, expect some mockery from the non-rates behind closed doors, and pretty much any time you are not around. Friendly ballbusting continues as a means of mild negative reinforcement. I’m not saying this is a bad thing in any way…there’s no time for folks on their “own program”. Do your job well, don’t slow down the team, don’t do stupid stuff on the job (weekend shenanigans are expected, despite current command climate at the top), and toughen the heck up. (Puts away knife hand)

  15. Stefan S. says:

    This is what happens when the military lets civilians screw up the military!

    • Billy says:

      And I thought the USA has had civilian command authority over the military since June 21, 1788. The official date of the ratification of the Constitution.

      • Stefan S. says:

        Listen pal, I’ve got a Master’s in History. What I meant is before the Obama PC purge of our Military, the Joint Chiefs had testicles and put up resistance to the social experimentation on the military! AKA, Like Clinton with don’t ask don’t tell. The way the US Military is going the French army will be a tougher force (Not The FFL)

        • DanW says:

          Damn straight! Things were better back before Truman let inferior races in!

          • SSD says:

            Wtf? I know you are trying to make a very poor joke aren’t you? You are going to come in here and set everyone straight how you were just kidding and what you said was in very poor taste aren’t you?

            • Terry says:

              SSD, like you I want to believe that DanW was being sarcastic in his response to Stefan’s comment. I hope so.

              However, all snark aside…he has a point. This nonsense about the military going to hell in a hand basket because of civilian ” social engineering” has been around for decades.

              The people who defended a segregated (by race) military used the same exact arguments when in 1948 Truman desegregated the military by “Executive Order”.

              I was in the Army in 1976 when the WAC was integrated and women were allowed into the Academies. Once again the chicken littles screamed about civilian meddling in the military and predicted disaster.

              Recently it was the twilight of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. And again, despite the dire predictions of a collapse of military discipline…nothing.

              And as for this “purge” of military leaders Stefan refers to…I presume he knows that ALL of the JCS were multi-stared generals or admirals BEFORE Obama even took office?

              The Constitution of the United States gives the NCA, Congress and the American people (civilians all) ultimate control over the military in all forms and measures.

              In short, for good or bad (as it relates to military capabilities), our elected leaders can and do shape the military in any fashion they may see fit.

              So Stefan, the military doesn’t “allow civilians” to do jack shit…in our Republic it has always been the other way around.

              rant over.

            • DanW says:

              It actually was sarcasm. I always forget how hard that is to translate via text

  16. BillC says:

    Let’s get this back on track… Hey look at the funny picture!