Meet him at IWA Show in Nuremberg, Germany – March 7-10, 2014
Digital Concealment Systems welcomes Clint Hoover to the team. In his first outing representing A-TACS Camo, Clint will be attending the upcoming IWA Show in Nuremberg, Germany in March of this year where he will be visiting with our international brand partners and developing new relationships within the industry. Clint brings over 25 years of practical military experience to DCS, having joined the U.S. Army in 1987. After completing Basic Training, Advanced Individual Training, Airborne school and the Ranger Indoctrination Program, he was awarded his Ranger Beret, Ranger Scroll and served as a Special Operations Combat Medic with the 1st Bn. 75th Ranger Regiment. He was primarily responsible for providing emergency medical treatment and evacuation to his fellow Rangers. His special assignments also included serving as a medic for a Battalion Combat Observation Lasing Team (COLT) and the Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) team. Most of his warrior skills would derive from this premier Special Operations light Infantry unit; while focusing on Small unit tactics, Emergency field medical concepts and Ranger Operations. Due to Clint’s expertise, he was chosen to be a Task-Force medic for Operation BAT (Bahamas, Turks and Caicos), a joint Counter-Narcotic Interdiction unit. Operation BAT conducted counter drug smuggling operations, human smuggling and search and rescue with the US Drug Enforcement Agency, US Coast Guard, and Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) in the Caribbean Islands AOR.
Soon after, Clint successfully graduated from the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School as a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, and was awarded his Green Beret; he was assigned to an Operational Detachment-Alpha. He deployed for operations in SOCSOUTH in support of Operation Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF-B) with 20th Special Forces Group. Upon returning to active duty, Clint was assigned to USAJFKSWCS as a SF qualification course Instructor. There he mentored and instructed future Special Forces soldiers. His follow on assignment would be with an Operational Detachment-Alpha in 3rd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group and his duty positions included Junior and Senior Weapons Sergeant, and Special Forces company assistant operations sergeant. Clint deployed to numerous states and military installations within the Continental United States, twenty-two countries in Central America, Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia and operations in the Middle East. Clint supervised pre-deployment site surveys teams, advanced party teams, Joint Combined Exchange Training, medical missions, US Embassy Liaison, Personal Security Detail (PSD) and Joint Special Operations training. He worked directly with Foreign Government, Military & Law-Enforcement Officials in support of national interests and combat operations.
Once again due to his achievements, Clint was selected to instruct as the Primary Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the United States Asymmetric Warfare Groups- Combat Applications Training Course (CATC) for Marksmanship Strategies and Standards; and he was responsible for training Senior Leaders, Drill Instructors, NCOA and Deploying FORCOM units in Close Quarters Marksmanship (CQM) & Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Techniques. He was then called upon to become a Weapons Acquisition Branch NCOIC, who gave critical insight into the development and integration of materiel efforts for legacy and revolutionary weapon systems for the US Army. His area of knowledge focused on all weapons: 9mm, 5.56, 7.62, .50 cal and 40mm high and low velocity rounds.
Clint is also a master of all levels of Combat Marksmanship. His skills include: Training beginner, intermediate and advanced tactical shooting, Security, Survival, Unconventional Warfare concepts, Direct Action, Counter-Terrorism. Clint has developed a training methodology that is safe, effective and combat relevant, and encourages a continuous thought process. He is highly capable of training others how to maintain safety at all times at a realistic level for the student skill set and experience, as well as giving courses covering several categories, which cover individual, collective, on line and standards.
After retiring from the military in 2012, Clint formed Black Skull Tactical Applications. Derived from Outcome Based Training and Education application of divergent strategies, tactics, capabilities, and approaches are used to circumvent or negate an opponent’s strengths, while exploiting their weaknesses. Clint’s training programs revolve around 25 years of military training and a Special Operations background.
Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts, DCS will not be exhibiting at the IWA Show this year. To meet with Clint, send an e-mail request to and he will make sure to stop by for a visit. Join us in welcoming Clint to the team.
Tags: A-TACS, Clint Hoover, Digital Concealment Systems, IWA
i didnt know endore commando did open recruitment 😀
Jedi was on the TV as I was reading this and I thought the same thing.
Previous link doesn’t work.
That uniform design is a shocker- baggy clown pants
Who’s the guy on the right, what’s his name?
I’ve trained with Clint in a 1 day LEO carbine course. He is GTG. AAR is up on lightfighter.