The US Air Force Force Protection Commodity Council has awarded a new indefinite quantity – indefinite delivery contract for Law Enforcement Black Gould & Goodrich Molded Nylon Duty Gear to ADS, Inc. Black Gould & Goodrich Molded Nylon Duty Gear is intended for use by DAF Civilian Police/Guards and Security Forces military members in blues only. The contract specifies the following 10 Black nylon items:
– Utility Belt (S, M, L, XL)
– Belt keepers
– Handcuff case
– Radio Case
– Single magazine M9 ammo pouch
– Triple magazine M4 ammo pouch
– Chemical spray holder
– Baton Holder
– Silent key ring holder
– Glove pouch
The contract is effective through January 14, 2019. Items are currently available for order. Look for info from Security Forces Center soon.
Tags: ADS Inc, Air Force, Gould & Goodrich
At Sheppard AFB, TX, they still do Blues Monday, and even the SecFor at the gates isn’t exempt.
While I think the military has gotten too sloppy about wearing fatigues everywhere, including in office settings, the present dress uniforms aren’t really very practical. They need to bring back khakis, something machine washable and stain resistant, as an everyday service uniform and leave the dress blues for more formal events.
I felt bad for the kid, sweltering in wool pants in the Texas summer. Yuck.
I really hoped we were past this blues on post horseshit, but whatever.
Air power! (Gaaaaaaag)
There are not too many bases that make their gates wear blues anymore because, for a lot of the reasons that MK EOD mentioned above, they are hot when it’s hot and cold when it’s cold. They have gotten rid of the uniform items for winter wear for cops so it’s really not a practical uniform for duty wear. As for the DAF cops it’s business as usual, supply just has a specific brand that they are contractually obligated to buy from now.
This is just one Defenders opinion but…
Seriously? Black gear for Blues Monday? Wow! Leadership really has their priorities misaligned. The only saving grace is the opening line of BG Jamerson’s memorandum stating “if purchasing black nylon gear”.
Oh well…Its kind of like deflowering a virgin, bite her on the neck or ear so she doesn’t pay attention to the other and more severe pain. Somewhere in all of this is HAF playing Tony Soprano and influencing its subordinate agencies in an attempt to divert attention from the massive and completely unorganized Force Shaping initiative. “Strategic Delay” anyone?
Hey, while we are at it, I have an idea, lets make every Friday “Morale Shirt Friday”…oh wait never mind we already did that.
You know what? When they disbanded SAC at the end of the Cold War, I think they destroyed the Air Force more efficiently than the Soviets could’ve ever dreamed of. Everything’s too politicized to fix it now, I think. Every time they try to award a contract for a plane, whoever loses the contract sues the winner and the whole thing gets tied up in litigation, congress gets involved, OSD meddles, on and on and on.
Curtis LeMay is rolling in his grave, I’m sure.
Is there a policy letter or some form of regulation out there that forbids AF SF members from wearing black LE belts? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Aside from in blues. I am wanting to find something I can use to show its authorized for me to wear my black LE gear in ABU’s.