Protact by Haartz

Beyond Clothing – “Stitched In The States” Part 1

In this video, Beyond Clothing demonstrates what “Made in America” means in regards to their outdoor products, which are all designed and manufactured in the USA. Their process allows for more prototypes, quicker turnaround, and allows Beyond to drive customer feedback into the production line to ultimately create better outerwear.


3 Responses to “Beyond Clothing – “Stitched In The States” Part 1”

  1. Awesome video and presentation. This is exactly what we are trying to do here in the UK.

    I for one know how hard it is to do. Swimming against the tide is never easy!

    Very well done Team Beyond Clothing. Hope that is brand gets all the support it deserves.

    Alex & Team @ IA

  2. Da Hui says:

    Great vid guys. Stoked to see your brand growing and doing the right moves to grow your brand. Top notch!