Here’s a snapshot of the new Australian cold weather jacket – in the new camouflage; the latest variant of Australian MultiCam Uniform. Initial issue scheduled for Q4/14.
The new AMCU uses the AMP print screens developed by Crye Precision but integrates some of the more traditional DPP/DPCU colors.
Tags: Australia
Thats not the new australian camo the colours are wrong, there is much more green in the real one. Also what an average looking jacket whats with those pocket flaps- if its real thiis jacket is a waist of money.
This is real. Perhaps you haven’t seen the NEW Australian pattern?
Any clue as to when we’ll be sporting this new cam??
I don’t know who you are, but your wrong…this is NOT the new Aus cam pat…not on any shape or form is this the new pattern…nor is it the new cold weather jacket…what it is, is one of several proposals…nothing more and this one is by a contractor who has previously supplied and stuffed up an order and is extremely unlikely to be given another contract…
Dear DMO,
Please do not buy me any more kit. I do not trust you to do so. You have failed for so long at it that I do not believe you can ever achieve it. Give me the amount of money you spend on buying ‘my’ kit and I will buy my own.
The Diggers
Actually, I hope you don’t work at DMO because it is.
I think I’ve fallen in heart with this. Always loved Auscam’s weird but apparently good colors, and I’m glad to see they’re being retained.
Reminds me a bit of the winter version of the Japanese “Jeitai” camouflage.
Looks like a crap. Will it work in Land Down Under?
I heard it was extensively tested and has proven quite effective against drop bear attacks.
What about snow snakes?
And hoop snakes as we’ll huh?
I’ve been privy to some of the backroom dealings on this one. I’m still not sure what I can say.
But it will be entering service in the very near future, and despite it’s looks in that particular photo, will be a very nice piece of gear.
Auscam may not have been a very pretty or cool pattern, but it sure as hell works very well in most of the Australian outback.
It really bothers me that branding is a serious consideration when it comes to fielding camo uniforms, when really the first, last and only consideration should be how well it works. Dress uniforms are for branding…
Don’t get me started on the Australian Navy and Air Force camo uniforms…
I hope this is not real… although it looks stupid enough to be something the Aus Army development cycle would create…
The external pocket shapes alone are retarded straight up… It also looks as if they have once again integrated the pocket on pocket on pocket design… *newsflash* we don’t need that many f#@king pockets!!!
I’ve just finished wearing the latest Aus crye version uniforms for 4 months.. made by hardyakka… a few words come to mind – no idea what they are designing.
I like being Australian… but the gear our army designs… is crap.
Agree with all of the above, dont need 4 m65 style pockets on a jacket , your load carriage is for storing sh@t , minamilist pockets designed with load carriage are the way to go on jackets.
I hope there will be more photo’s of the different uniform items? The colour range looks good, just hope the same cut is used as the previous AMP uniform.
Reminds me of how the army was allegedly developing a camouflage pattern by the digital base in Multicam colors. I shudder at the possibility of that, but I believe this isn’t a bad way to go for the Aussies. Multicam for all
I believe this will be very effective for most of the Australian bush. Only the Pilbara region and Queensland jungle areas will it not be effective. They can change the colour pallette for both the Pilbara and jungle environments to suit.
Doesn’t look too bad, utility wise. Hope the sleeves aren’t slathered in Velcro or pile though.
Any idea what sort of fabric this uses? I’m assuming this is a Level 5 or equivalent type technical garment.
Yeah sure id be suprised if the bruck textile co that printed this can print on anything but poly/cotton
Another piece of platawank!
Nothing to do with Platatac bud. Sort your facts before you run your mouth.
I am seeing lots of comments by those who don’t know anything.
The internet. Where Everyone is an expert., Crossfire for the win not Platatac
Really? The link to the tenders website pointing out how much money you are making. Grow up.
sorry if I offended you hanno, I was just pointing it out due to the platawank comment
That would be correct as Platatac did not bid. Kind of an odd, childish comment. I hope you don’t work for Crossfire.
No I am just surprised Platatac did not bid, They are leading the way in AUS for this type of stuff. Hanno I do not understand your comment, I was simply pointing out they won, I am sorry If i offended
No worries CF, all good.
It wasn’t printed by bruck, and the material is a very long way from poly cotton, in is in fact is the real story of this jacket, not the pattern.
It is a the new garrison jacket, and the cut is a modern take on a para smock.
Printed on Delta material and made by Crossfire Australia.
This is genuinely a ‘worlds best’ piece of clothing. Just hope that Crossfire gets to make the remainder of the AMCU uniforms!
I think this will be better than DPCU but probably not as universal as MC because the tonal differences are a lot more pronounced – this will still stand out in dry grassland IMO.
As for the ‘cut’ they need to issue field and barracks variants I agree with the pocket comments, I wear smocks out field except in the hottest weather & have heavy & light variants – the only pockets that get used 99% of the time are the internal waterproof ones for wallet/phone…
Interesting, I am looking forward to seeing more pictures.
BTW, is there plans for another variant, using colors similar to their desert DPCU?
One last thing, any news on the whole U.S. Army camo dilemma?
Did the Army’s prototype pattern pass through NATO testing with flying colors?
This things nice and all, but the real question is when is the Aus AF going to field it in blue?
Now you’re thinking
The Aus AF was recently sporting them at a local air show, they look pretty damn proud to be wearing it, to be honest looks more suited for the navy when I saw it, btw those “experts” needs to do some reading before they run their mouths.
Ok so if the Army is going this way for camouflage does that mean this will also be coming out in DPDU colours? I mean it’s only logical to have both of the main uniform colours..
DPDU isn’t one of the main uniform patterns. It is discontinued and never to be repeated. The ADF may develop an arid varient in the future, only time will tell. However without operational necessity most likely not one would think.
DPDU has been withdrawn from service. Some kit is still issued in desert colours, but ‘no’ new gear is being procured in it. As far as I’m aware….
It is currently being issued at POE, I have manged to get one. Warm as hell however probably look a bit flimsy for real field, more of a cold weather garrison jacket
I think all the comments about DPCU being great in Australian Bush are reflective of a defensive mindset in the ADF, if we are relying on DPCU being good in the outback against our adversaries then it’s gone horribly wrong. As an expeditionary force (we are investing heavily in an amphibious capability!) we need a camouflage that works effectively overseas, which generally is a Multicam variant. Having used Multicam in Helmand and other environments it works!
The ADF own the the rights to the pattern they are now using, so different colour pallettes can be be adopted for any theatre they wish. This colour pattern is for Australia. If the ADF need a different colour scheme for an overseas conflict they can easily produce a uniform in the Multicam pattern but change the colour pallette to suit. This pattern will work nicely in most parts of Australia except the Pilbara and the Jungle. I think some are missing the point that this is a general duties colour pattern for Australia, not overseas conflicts. Although, this pattern would work in a lot of other countries too.
Changing the colour palette for each environment doesn’t sound very host effective! And as the US have found what colour do you use for load carriage equipment etc for these different palettes, and let’s be honest the ADF don’t throw lots of money at personnel equipment!
It doesn’t sound very cost effective now does it?
Pretty easy to change dye colours when needed. Not saying that they should have different pallettes waiting for a perceived conflict. IF the need arises, then you adapt the colours for whichever AO you will operate in. No need to stockpile in wait. Just create to suit when the need arises. Simply a matter of changing the dye.
Mmmm how reactive are the uniform producers to kit out a Joint Force as it deploys in a new untried colour palette and then we hand over a licence to print money to defence contractor because they know we need the kit urgently which results in a rushed, poor quality and expensive item!!!!
Solution= Multicam!!!!
When will we get more photo’s???
Wondering if tbas will be made in this pattern or just stay in amp, will make the 125 pack stand out.
Why just one photo? When will we see more?
I dont understand why we just can’t keep the DPCU to be worn here and do what they’re doing with the AMP. Just wear it when deployed. DPCU works fine here in the outback. Oh well the Army does what the Army wants to do. As I said DPCU works well here. And not to mention we are gonna lose our identity uniform.
After paying millions to buy the rights for the new pattern the Defence Forces will want to get value from their purchase. That is why the RAAF used the patern, but in Blue tones and I will bet that the Navy will also change to the pattern but using the colours that they have now. The Army are just getting some use from their expensive purchase. This pattern will work fine. Just so long as they are going to stick with the AMP cut ie, knee and elbow pads etc.
More photo’s????????????????
When is this going to be anounced? Why no new photo’s? Or is it just bullshit?
Ask the Australian Army.
When we go on exercise we are currently issued kit and have to wear kit in the following cam patterns.
1) DPCU (coat, trousers, bush hat)
one of the following body armour options…
b) Khaki TBAS
c) Multicam TBAS
3) DPCU, DPDU, Multicam AND Khaki Pouches for kit.
Unless you are going overseas, you get issued, work with daily and have little options other than looking like a patchwork doll made out of kit designs dating back to vietnam.
Heck, our standard issue webbing is shocking and unchanged in decades.
I can’t wait to look even more ridiculous by having ANOTHER cam thrown at us.
I would be happy is they were simply capable of fielding a SINGLE unified colour scheme.