SureFire XC3

Is The Cat Out Of The Camo Bag?

Attendees at today’s change of responsibility ceremony for PEO Soldier’s APM for Clothing and Individual Equipment under PM SPIE from LTC Wallace to the incoming LTC Bryan, claim that an announcement was made regarding the Army’s path forward for camouflage.

This is moving fast and we know some in industry are already receiving notification of the change. In fact, the mills already have fabric orders. Go Army!

Lest we forget, congrats to LTC Bryan.

We’ll keep you posted.


66 Responses to “Is The Cat Out Of The Camo Bag?”

  1. Mick says:

    I’m going to keep hitting “refresh” until I see MULTICAM, based on previous comments…

    • BillC says:

      If it is Multicam, it would be the same choice, again, for the third time.

  2. SolidStateDrive says:

    It’s moving soooo fast, SSD can’t bother to even mention what it is! Genius!

    • John says:

      Yeah are these teasers really necessary SSD? Either tell us, wait until you can tell us, or just stop.

      • Stoney says:

        Really? Or you could just quit reading the articles until it clearly announces the winner? Or you could just wait until you finally see it in the regular news. So many options but you’re going to rip one of the only sources to even bother and update folks. Hmmm. Maybe you could just stop.

        In other news. Woo Hoo! New LTC wants to get this monkey of the PEO back!

      • SSD says:

        Sometimes I just want to toy with PEO.

      • Hardchawger says:

        The new US Army camo gets the most discussion on this forum, so these headlines always brings in the flock to this website. 🙂 Its the website’s owner toying with us.

        • SSD says:

          Turn your misdirected ire at the Army. It’s their announcement to make.

    • straps says:

      Might be metrics monetization, might be the time-honored tradition of corroborating multiple reliable sources…

  3. Charliemike says:


  4. Strike-Hold! says:

    Digital Scorpion.

    (i.e., MultiCam colors, CADPAT/MARPAT/UCP/AOR pattern geometry).

    • CAVstrong says:

      I actually wouldn’t but upset if this was the case.

    • El Guapo says:

      Wouldn’t that violate NDAA?

      • Strike-Hold! says:

        Hmmm – maybe. So, I guess that leaves good, old, “regular” Scorpion then….

        As they say, “all that’s old becomes new again.”

      • OND JAG says:

        Not necessarily. The pattern can be new so long as all four services adopt it, which is what Congress wants anyway. For example, Digital Transitional Pattern (digital MC) with MARPAT desert/woodland bookends, for example, would give the Army its own MC-like pattern on the cheap, and arguably allow the Corps to keep wearing its desert/woodland uniforms in garrison. Everyone wins… as long as the pattern actually works.

  5. 12B-Siege says:

    Is it strange that I’m actually getting really excited for this? It’s a sad day when a soldier gets so irrationally excited for a camo announcement :/

    • SSD says:

      I’m excited too. This is really happening.

      • Étienne S says:

        I too am excited, but I am pissed at the same time…

      • Lucky says:

        SSD: Just like gong home from a Deployment, I will believe it, when I receive the tail number of the aircraft bringing my ass home.

    • straps says:

      Not when he’s wearing a uniform in a pattern selected for its suitability as a Powerpoint background….

  6. orly? says:

    Are we there yet?

  7. Rob says:

    Its gotta be Multi-Cam, all of SSD’s hints point towards this. I could be wrong though; Army could announce the adoption of the ACU-Delta pattern….

    • CAP says:

      Is UCP-D NDAA compliant?

      • Mac says:

        I was hopeful……and then you mentioned this…

        • CAP says:

          Ha! Sorry… REALLY hope we all don’t wake up tomorrow with UCP-D being the Army’s choice. But would any of us really be surprised?

          • Greg says:

            UCP-D was a one time failed experiment to put lipstick on an already ugly pig called UCP. If it’s anything new and digital, it sure as hell won’t have any of the color shades used in that god awful excuse of a camo. UCP and it’s fugly cousin UCP-D, are D.O.A for a choice pattern.

  8. Stefan S. says:

    Check to see what the Koreans and Chinese are copying. That will be the Army’s camo!

  9. Sgt E says:

    — BREAKING —

    Vietnam era Tiger Stripe is back !!!

    Just kidding.

    • SSD says:

      It almost was for the Marine Corps before they selected MARPAT.

      • Sgt E says:

        Haha. I wasn’t aware of that.

        • Étienne S says:

          They also tested a Rhodesian brush pattern. However, I have never seen a picture of it.

          Supposedly, the results of the testing showed tigerstripe to outperform the three in midrange while the CADPAT pattern performed the best in short range and the Rhodesian pattern at long range.

          • james says:


            The Rhodesian is a big blocky pattern,makes sense that it did better at long ranges.

            • Étienne S says:

              I should have worded my reply a little bit better.

              I have seen the Rhodesian brush pattern before. However, I haven’t seen pictures of the version, the Marines used in their testing.

              I assume it was just the original pattern recolored with marpat colors.

              It would be interesting to see a picture of the uniform with the Marine’s experimental rhodesian brush pattern on it.

              • james says:

                No worries! I would assume the effectiveness at range would hold true, if the pattern wasn’t ” scaled” down.

  10. xdarrows says:

    Survey says?!?

  11. OMAR says:

    It’s aor1 and aor2 those were the usmc trial uniforms before they selected marpat

  12. DAN III says:

    Just bring back the Vietnam jungle fatigue….the US Army’s most effective field uniform ever. Simple.

    Enough of my freakin’ tax dollars have been wasted on this cammie garbage, in particular the political/greased palm selection of the ACU pattern. Hell, even Stevie Wonder could have seen that pattern was useless.

  13. Mike Perry says:

    Does SSD know what the new pattern is?

  14. AssaultPlazma says:

    Why is it in every post on this subject theres always a group screaming bring back O.D.?

    • D says:

      Tradition mostly.

    • Stan says:

      Maybe because close to 80 % of modern military personnel have no need for a everyday wear camouflage uniform. Ask yourself how well is SSD’s new dream camo pattern going to hide the infantryman that rides to battle in a Styker or a Bradley? Does he/she disappear from view the moment they run out of that vehicle? Nope. Now what about the artilleryman servicing his cannon, or the clerk typing on the computer at the FOB, or the mechanic in the motor pool, or the General/senior officers at HQ? Do any of them need to be hidden in their daily work areas? Nope. Do the recruiters manning the sub stations need to be hidden? Nope. Outside of a few light infantry and SPECOP’s units a OD style uniform with colored patches like what was worn in the 1960’s would do just fine. This passion for new camouflage patterns among the services is mainly about a “cool image” no matter how much they try to cloak it in science.

      • Joe says:

        Yep. Bring back the OD uniform for garrison wear and issue a real combat uniform (a la Crye) for the field and only the field.

        • James says:

          Why have two different uniforms? I agree that most troops don’t ‘need’ a camouflage uniform, but having two uniforms in the supply chain would be more costly than giving everyone Multicam, or any other similar camouflage uniform.

        • DanW says:

          But then you’d still be issueing two different uniforms to everyone. Just go with camo.

      • DanW says:

        But at the same time, it’s a lot cheaper and easier on the supply side of the house to have one single pattern. And if you give everyone who isn’t special operations or infantry a different pattern, the SPECOPS or infantry guys will stand out and become a target.

      • Mike says:

        That sounds all well and good, except then you have to:

        – Issue a camo uniform for deploying units, because in modern warfare there often are no “front lines” and even your mechanic/artilleryman/and yes…sometimes even GOs needs concealment

        – Probably want to issue it for those NTC/JRTC rotations, because if your Soldiers have ineffective camouflage it will detract from the value of training whenever you conduct small-unit operations that require concealment

        – Then will want to have them on hand to issue for use on your respective installation, in order to also facilitate training in your own organic training areas

        – Then might as well have some on stock for issue from the Company supply room, since if you are going to do Sergeants Time Training you want the ability to teach your Soldiers concealment techniques, and to employ those techniques while conducting small unit tactics

        ….see where this is headed?

        A good camo enables effective training, eases deployment logistical requirements, simplifies peacetime logistical supply of OCIE, and finally helps identify individuals as belonging to a particular service or nations armed force. An actual camo pattern may be excess to requirements in many particular circumstances, but this does not make it unreasonable to have. We don’t always need HMMWVs and ACOGs – we could get buy with F150s and iron sights in many cases- but we buy, maintain, and issue them because it’s better to have and not need than need and not have. This consistent provision of systems – be they weapons, uniforms, or other equipment – further supports the doctrinal, operational, training, and readiness capabilities required by the Commander to accomplish his or her mission.

        Plus it looks cool 🙂

        • KK says:

          The Army is already issuing two uniforms. The ACU and the Army Combat Shirt/Pant. The ACU could be issued in a single color for garrison purposes and the Combat Pant/Shirt could be issued in OCP/AOR/US4CES for anyone going outside the wire/FX/cool guy photo op.

          • DanW says:

            But that’s still maintaining two patterns/colors for accessories and OCIE. And if both the ACU and the Combat Pant/Shirt are the same pattern, the ACU could be used if a member is not able to get the Combat Pant/Shirt due to supply problems.

          • SSD says:

            Costs more.

    • Greg says:

      Tradition, and simplicity mostly. One solid color tone would save 1000s in cost on the addition of extra color schemes to breakup the outline of a soldier on a battlefield.

  15. Willis Bee says:

    Tax dollars going to waste on this camo exercise. Tax dollars going to pay for DoD transgender. Think about that. Hiding one’s gender takes some real camoflague.

  16. Hardchawger says:

    If the deal with Multicam went down the drain, how could it be Multicam? Was there re-established negotiations? Did Natick produce that Digital Multicam with bookend patterns that was OKed by the brass?

    Yes, it will be good to finally hear the announcement but frustrating if uniforms cannot be worn until 2016.

  17. Damon says:

    Marpat or Multicam?

  18. MAC says:

    If its out of the bag and PEO presented it in an open forum and the fabric has already been ordered … Why are you not sharing what you know? Am I just generating website traffic?

  19. bulldog76 says:


  20. Cav Guy says:

    Anything. Literally. I’ll take tan Dickey cargo pants and a t-shirt at this point. And I wouldn’t have to cry at night over the $100 we have to pay for the worthless ACUs we’re currently in.

  21. NC_Sapper says:

    Guys…he gave you the info. Its released. Check the May 9th twitter images from PEO soldier on their website. Looks like digital multicam to me.

    • armypa82 says:

      I’m looking at it, and it still doesn’t look that way. If you’re talking about the IOTV with ACH, it looks like it’s UCP pattern. If you’re talking about the “supporting SF” pic, it’s straight MultiCam. I think PEO-Soldier is employing more MultiCam pictures so that they don’t look so asinine with Soldiers in UCP that couldn’t blend into a golf course if they tried.

  22. Bingo says:

    So is June 14th the day we’re going to find out…again?