
Johnny Dronehunter: Defender of Privacy – Featuring the Salvo 12 Shotgun Silencer

During last week’s unveiling by SilencerCo of the new Salvo 12 Shotgun Suppressor they showed us several trailers, but this was by far my favorite.


8 Responses to “Johnny Dronehunter: Defender of Privacy – Featuring the Salvo 12 Shotgun Silencer”

  1. Foxtrot says:

    Shotgun vs. Amazon Delivery Drones…. No package is safe!

  2. Scubasteve says:

    He might not be the hero we want, but he is the hero we need.

  3. Devdoc says:

    That dude looks familiar .
    Is he a CrossFit guy?
    Go drones …

  4. Black6ID says:

    El PRIMO de las matadore

  5. Reverend says:

    “DRONES! Really expensive skeet…”

  6. Bman says:

    When I read the defender of privacy part I thought it was going to be somewhat funny. The only half funny part was the classic hero guitar theme at the end with big explosion coming from the tiny little drone.