RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Boom: That Just Happened


Something Cool Just Showed Up At SSD. Details soon!

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37 Responses to “Boom: That Just Happened”

  1. Steven S says:

    That picture reminds me of this: http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h315/adlerarmory/IMG1483_zpszcoedddd.jpg?t=1408562637


    There’s a guy who commented on one of Kit Up’s camo articles about how he bought 10 yards of OCP in may. He uploaded some nice pics on AR15.com.

  2. Darkstar says:

    So it begins… Scorpion W2 emerges.

  3. Just looks like a variation on Multicam to me.

    ; )

  4. OMAR says:

    I just fainted

  5. Strike-Hold says:


    Somebody’s got smart….

  6. Oneironaut says:

    I knew I had to do up something for you when that came into my hands.

  7. Ex Coelis says:

    Massive COOL!! Can’t wait to read the follow-up article!!!

  8. dense says:

    looks just like multicam

  9. PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

    Not drastically different, but I’m sure some bored (or should I say “board”) E-9s will find a way to bitch and nitpick.

  10. SGT Rock says:

    My left testicle just exploded and gave birth to a full grown T-Rex covered in OCP W2… I must be taking crazy pills!!!

  11. Mike Nomad says:

    Interesting to see finally see the stuff in the wild. The thing that really got my attention was the May 2014 date. Is that the manufacture date, or the “birthday” of the pattern (as OCP)?

  12. Chris says:

    Ireceived an email from my 1SG that was from the GM at the Fort Hood AAFES and stated that they are getting info that “Army” is striving for 1 May to start selling OCP. Boots Underwear and Insignia will have to change with it (whatever that means). Just an FYI for yall!!!

  13. DBACK020 says:

    Ah, so much better than UCP! If there was anything we should give to other forces overseas, it’s that crap!

  14. bulldog76 says:

    *rubs eyes* wait i see i see a light at the end of the tunnel ITS OH SO GLORIOUS OCP ITS BEAUTIFUL !!

  15. Cueball95 says:

    Mrs. SSD gonna b making a fresh OCP quilt out o that

  16. Hardchawger says:

    I thought those were vertical blotches at first lol.

    I like this article and hope that is the case.


  17. Ex Coelis says:

    Although I’m a huge fan of almost any kit or material out the ‘Crye Precision’ camp, think I’ll stay with Caleb’s original offering of OCP. Operationally(for this PMC) better to look like everyone else than stand-out by distinction… Nevertheless, good that the U.S Army has finally made a positive decision and is now ready to outfit their troops with it. Army STRONG!!

    P.S. a big ‘THANK YOU’ to Steve S for submitting the AR15 link and an equally big ‘THANK YOU’ to SSD for publishing it!