SIG SAUER - Never Settle

This Is How They Do It In Florence

Florence 1

Florence, Italy that is. That holster makes for one heck of a drawstroke.

Florence 2


23 Responses to “This Is How They Do It In Florence”

  1. Red says:

    That is called fashion over function I believe… LOL!

  2. Stephan says:

    Their helmets look pretty sweet too!

  3. Patrick says:

    Probably a Gucci holster.

  4. mar10 says:

    Did they attend a dual-credit Police/Fire Academy?

  5. Erik says:

    Are you certain this isn’t a Monty Python skit?

  6. Chris says:

    On the other hand, it is a good sign that gun/violent crime is not a big problem in Florence..

  7. L.Washing says:

    not much shoot over there…

  8. DP says:

    mostly for show anyway, italians are lovers, not fighters

  9. Frankie71 says:

    I live in Florence and I confirm that our local Police is using that holster. Black or white versions are
    issued to State Police. Originally produced by Tuscan Company Radar during the ’80s for Carabinieri counter terrorist unit (GIS) and Police (NOCS), because considered as early fast extraction pistol holsters.

  10. Fox says:

    mi scusi!

  11. corbs says:

    Solsys, if you’re in Florence, you have got to try the I’ve cream at grom, near the duomo. It’s indescribable.

  12. MAJ Michael says:

    And yet they manage to look professional without looking like doorkickers.

  13. Martinihenry says:

    The helmets are similar to those worn by many British police forces, contrary to most tourists views who think they all look like the Met Police ones with a rose closure on top. The British ones are black. The design is called a coxcomb owing to the ridge over the top !

  14. Emanuele says:

    I live in Italy and I’m Italian…

    actually, the average policeman is not properly trained to use the weapon he carries, as evidenced by the photo above.
    however this is already an advanced holster for the standards of the Italian police, look at what carabinieri use:
    it’s heartbreaking… 🙁

    • Frankie71 says:

      I know the problem because I served as Carabinieri 1st lieutenant, the only improv I’ve seen is related to the gear issued to Battaglioni Mobili, anti riots units…

  15. bmc says:

    I live in Italy (Torino) and I can attest to the Carabinieri’s tactical faux pas.They don’t really do much work anyways. Most of the time you can catch them drinking coffee or even Aperol spritzs in the afternoon It gets better when they sling there duty belt like a PT belt. I’ll try to snap a picture next time I see them.

  16. Taylor says:

    At least it isn’t in his pocket!

  17. Fil says:

    Well, last night one Carabiniere killed a 17 years old by mistake. By “mistake” is what they claimed; so it’s not subjective. True that this kid forced the road block, but still the killing happened by mistake. This will tell you how tactical generic Carabinieri or Polizia are.