RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

AUSA 17 – EXFIL Ballistic SL from Team Wendy

We showed you this helmet yesterday in conjunction with the release of the Ballistic Ears and Visor. It’s completely new and called the EXFIL Ballistic SL. It weighs 2.22 (size 1) or 2.31 (size 2) complete with shell, rails, retention and impact liner.


It also introduces the SL Rail which is 25% lighter than the standard EXFIL Rail and will accept the Ballistic Visor.


One way to tell the SL from previous versions of the EXFIL Ballistic Helmet is by the Wilcox SL Shroud (at the top of the dual image). It offers a 35% weight reduction over the the previous W Shroud. Manufactured from an aluminum insert and glass filled Polymer body, it is compatible with retractable lanyard systems.

It’s certified to NIJ IIIA. The 9mm backface signature is <25.4mm @ 1195 ft/sec. Frag performance is 17 gr v50 >/= 2400 ft/sec.



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