SIG MMG 338 Program Series

AUSA – Solace Power

Newfoundland, Canada-based Solace Power specializes in wireless power. While they don’t manufacture products they offer customizable projects and offer Technical Development Kits. Their goal is to license technology to manufacturers. Today, they’re demonstrating a customizable project applied to a bump helmet to show how it can be wirelessly powered. It’s a demonstrator but I’m very impressed with what I’ve seen.


They use Electric Field Based RC2 (Resonant Capacitive Coupling) technology. This is slightly different from the magnetic charging technology you see in wireless cell phone chargers. The resonator material is flexible and can be copper or another lightweight conductive material that can be shielded with a simple fabric.


Additionally, Solace Power’s technology doesn’t heat objects and it still works even if the resonator is punctured or torn. The technology is safety compliant to IEEE, FCC, ICNIRP and Safety Code 6.


Efficiency wise, they are demonstrating 90% power coupling efficiency at 40 cms and that’s at 100w. They can also use one transmitter with multiple receivers (ie weapon, helmet, radio, etc). The receiver can also act as a repeater but the larger the resonator, the further the power can be transmitted. You’ll notice in the photo above how far the helmet is away and off by enter of the power transmitter. With magnetic power transmission you can’t do that.

Think of the implications. Use of their technology doesn’t alter the Soldier’s behavior. Each piece of equipment doesn’t need a separate battery. There’s also no hot battery swapping or umbilicals/cords.


2 Responses to “AUSA – Solace Power”

  1. FHRITP says:

    Wow this is an amazing concept.

    Did they mention anything on cost?

  2. Dilby says:

    We Tesla NOW!