TYR Tactical

MATBOCK Tarsier Eclipse Flyer

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3 Responses to “MATBOCK Tarsier Eclipse Flyer”

  1. Toby says:

    I have been using the Tarsier Eclipse for some time now and I have to say it has made work so much easier when under NV. I have run them on both Adam Industries Sentinel and PVS 23s. I have used them dismounted, in both vehicles and quads/RZRs, and in helos. They are the best and quickest way to adjust your focus and make life so much easier. The Tarsier Eclipse is a MUST have for any serious NV user.

  2. mcs says:

    He looks so surprised.

    • Reseremb says:

      Like a Minion from Despicable Me… those little yellow dudes know how to run NVGs for their little evil plans