
US Army Issues Update On OCP Transition

The US Army has issued an update on the pending OCP transition. This message validates what we’ve been saying about the bookend patterns as well as the transition to a Coyote Boot and Tan 499 Belt and T-shirt. The 75th Ranger Regiment is the only unit to be issued the new OCP ACU. Serving Soldiers will be required to purchase the uniforms with their annual clothing allowance. New accessions should see OCP in their clothing bag beginning in FY 2016.


Operational Camouflage Pattern

What is it?

After a thorough, fair and scientific camouflage tests, the U.S. Army is adopting the Operational Camouflage Pattern as an Army-wide base pattern for uniforms and personal equipment. The use of Operational Camouflage Pattern will be gradually phased in to minimize the cost to Soldiers and the Army.

What has the Army Done?

Camouflage – In 2009, after Soldier feedback revealed dissatisfaction with the performance of the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) in Afghanistan, Secretary of the Army Peter Geren approved the execution of a four-phase camouflage improvement effort. The first three phases, conducted from September 2009 to January 2010, resulted in the selection of Crye Precision’s MultiCam pattern as the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern for uniforms and Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) for Afghanistan.

The objective of the last phase (Phase IV) was to determine a long-term multi-environment camouflage strategy for the entire force, so the Army continued working on testing a family of camouflage patterns (arid, transitional, and woodland/jungle patterns with a single matching OCIE pattern) and established the Army’s most rigorous and scientific study of camouflage to date. The Army employed important lessons from a decade of combat experience to ensure the selection process was sound and thorough.

Soldiers deployed to Afghanistan will continue to be fielded with uniforms and OCIE in Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern until inventories are exhausted. In coming months the Army will conduct operational testing and user evaluations of existing Service arid and woodland patterns for possible adoption by the Army.

Phase-in Strategy Reduces the Cost to Soldiers – The financial impact on Soldiers will be minimal. The gradual introduction of the Operational Camouflage Pattern uniforms will allow Soldiers to phase in uniforms as their UCP patterned ACUs and OCIE wear out. The Army will begin introduction of the Operational Camouflage Pattern during the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 in Army Clothing and Sales Stores.

Why is this important to the Army?

Camouflage is a centerpiece for Soldier Force Protection. An effective camouflage provides Soldiers concealment which is critical for Soldiers in the close fight with the enemy. The Army will continue to provide the Soldiers with the best possible camouflaged uniforms and equipment.

What other related uniform efforts does the Army have planned?

To correspond with the introduction of the Operational Camouflage Pattern starting in the summer of 2015, the Army will change the color for the Army Combat Boot to a coyote brown color, and change the color of the belts and t-shirts to a tan 499 color.

This article was originally featured on the November 19th, 2014 edition of ‘Stand-To! The Official Focus of the US Army’.

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88 Responses to “US Army Issues Update On OCP Transition”

  1. Timmay says:

    Clothing and Sales???


  2. Stiggy says:

    A company sized element of the 173rd was issued MultiCam/OCP ACUs and TA50 for rotations to Turkey a few days ago. The rest of the brigade is recieving it in Jan/Feb 2015. While they didn’t have it in the Baltics, it’s being phased in rather abruptly now.

    Garrison wear is up in the air though, wouldn’t count on it. But everyone will have it in their closet. Not sure what’ll happen with the UCP TA50, I assume
    it’ll be turned in.

    • Strike-Hold says:

      That’s good to hear. Those 173rd guys stuck out like chem lights in their UCP ACUs during those Baltic exercises.

      The 82nd Abn. Div. should also be lobbying like hell to convert to OCP ASAP as well.

    • straps says:

      Highly deployable units with a strong expeditionary tradition are likely to get–and keep OCP. 173rd is that in spades.

      173rd is a storied unit and small enough to sustain stocks of OCP. Bonus points for being a bunch of guys who have been investing personally in OCP for a minute.

      • Stiggy says:

        Believe me, I’m ecstatic about this decision. I haven’t invented in any UCP kit, only coyote and some multicam. The other NATO countries we trained with in the Baltics commented on our terrible UCP kit and uniforms regularly. The Brits with their MTP weren’t half bad in the woods, the Estonians blended in to near invisibility with their indigenous pattern, and I have no idea what the Latvians were thinking with that desert stuff Barracuda came up with. 1-1 Cav was wearing OCP, and we were all a bit jealous. So at the very least we’ll be prepared for the future. As far as garrison wear goes, it would be nice. But if not, at least we’ll be set for the field where it counts. Plus I can wait to ditch the FLC and IOTV.

  3. Thomas says:

    Still no word on when I can buy it though.

    • Miguel says:

      From the “Phase In” paragraph:

      The Army will begin introduction of the Operational Camouflage Pattern during the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 in Army Clothing and Sales Stores.

  4. Bman says:

    Notice they didn’t come clean on why OCP is the pattern of choice or why they they decided to test existing service patterns and not choose one of the patterns being tested already. What really needs to happen is ole Chuck Hagel needs to look at the results of the Army’s study of the newest patterns and even if there is no super winner, the one that performed best should be issued to all services. The existing patterns can remain as options for special units that require them. Mainly the AOR variants and multicam.

    • DW says:

      Agreed. The phrase “After a thorough, fair and scientific camouflage tests [sic]” isn’t exactly convincing for me if I can’t see the documentation.

  5. bulldog76 says:

    word on bookends ??

    • CAVstrong says:

      The article says that the Army will be conducting tests in the next few months on existing service arid and woodland patterns.

      • bulldog76 says:

        i see says the blind man i scanned right over that shit LOL

      • KP says:

        That line really pissed me off. The Enyart amendment to the 2014 NDAA specifically allowed exceptions to be made by SecDef and considering that “arid and woodland” camo testing has already been done, at significant expense, the case can definitely be made that it’d be prudent to seek exemption by SecDef on the grounds of “unique circumstances or operational requirements.” Obviously that language in the amendment was made for specialized patterns for specific missions (like maybe pink camo for assaulting a cotton candy nation or something) but having already spent large sums of money on a test that otherwise would need to be repeated with non-family but inter-service patterns seems like a unique circumstance (at least we can hope that this will never happen again) as well as an operational requirement to have effective matching patterns for use with PPE that is going to be .

        Furthermore, the ’14 NDAA allows for development of joint patterns but doesn’t seem to restrict all services to one common pattern. So long as the Multicam family, if adopted, is made available across the military as a joint pattern, it’d be in accordance with the law. The Army’s OWN research has the answer and they’re going to go and redo all this bullshit.

        In my opinion, the Army should just stick to OCP, sans Crye royalties if they’re so insistent on it, and if/when these “unique circumstances or operational requirements” come up, they already know who to go to to fill the need for arid or woodland patterns. Or they can even keep stock of Multicam Arid and Woodland for the potential unique circumstance or operational requirement without running afoul of the law, although this is stretching it big time. They just wouldn’t be able to issue it as a “standard” pattern. Basically, my opinion is what would have happened if the Army went with Phase IV in the first place.

        Disclaimer: Not a lawyer or politician. I might be wrong and angry for nothing.

        • CAVstrong says:

          I thought the end result of the Enyart Amendment, was that the various service branches were prevented from using any camouflage not already being issued prior to a specific date.

          Although I’ll be honest I am a little unclear about all the restrictions myself. For example changing adopting new patterns is a no-go, but apparently so is modifying existing patterns.

          • KP says:

            As far as I know, the amendment was amended at least once so I’m a bit hazy on it as well, but the original amendment required all forces to use a joint pattern before a certain date, but as submitted in the ’14 NDAA, it requires that all future patterns be available to all branches.

            As submitted and enacted, any pattern adopted for a combat or camo’d utility uniform must be one that will be used by all branches. That said, it allows a branch to continue using a pattern already in its inventory so Army can release new pattern for joint service use and USMC can continue with MARPAT.

            • CAVstrong says:

              So correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t that mean that the Army could go with the Phase IV winner and simply make it available to everyone?

              That doesn’t seem right, since that would be the cheapest and best option at this point.

            • KP says:

              That’s how I’m reading it and someone more knowledgeable and with a better understanding may correct me, but the Phase IV winner released for the military as a combined armed services pattern is kosher, and it’d be up to the individual branches to give up their respective patterns and also adopt the new armed forces pattern. It should be the cheapest option as the terms for the Phase IV winner were very favorable for the army, but then again, selecting the MC family of patterns from the get go would have simply made sense rather than go through this convoluted process to end up now with the precursor to Multicam, both of which known as OCP.

              When first written, the amendment required all services to adopt a single combat uniform pattern(s) by 2018 which would have required the Marines to give up MARPAT for the Army pattern (or require the Phase IV to be given up for MARPAT or some other new pattern.) That part of the amendment was ripped out and now it’s largely a semantic regulation that passed as the bill.

              • CAVstrong says:

                I hate to disagree with you since I’m not an expert by any means. But I’m almost positive the NDAA restricts the adoption of new patterns regardless which is why we are in this mess to begin with.

                If you’re right then the army could have chosen the Phase IV winner and said fair game for ever DoD body. But instead they went back and looked at older patterns. Also if I’m not mistaken Crye Phase IV submission would have cost the Amry less than $1million for an unrestricted liscense. So it couldn’t have been a money issue.

                • KLP says:

                  Well then at this point I’m not sure; I didn’t see a mandate preventing any new camp pattern in the final text but that could just be that I missed it. I only saw that any new pattern must be used by all branches (section 352, subsection a) and that branches are allowed to keep their current patterns (352.c.6) which leads me to say what I said. There are probably nuances to all of this that precludes adopting the phase IV, but I don’t know enough about the legalese behind it.

                  At any rate, I’m pretty sure I have a good reason to be upset, but what that reason is specifically I’m less sure about because this whole process has been long and torturous and opaque.

  6. 10thMountainMan says:

    Looking forward to 4th Quarter FY16

  7. Woody says:

    I notice that this article does not mention the failure of the Army to act in a timely manner in their announcment of the Phase IV winner and that this has left them with a potentially inferior ‘family’ of camo patterns, to what they would have otherwise be wearing.

  8. SN says:

    The Army can reduce the pain factor by authorizing the new belts, boots and T-shirts for wear with ACU’s. Cancel current contracts and switch them to the new colors.

    It won’t happen though.

    I seriously doubt they can have a smooth transition, as both the AF and Army screwed the initial transition to ACU/ABU up, and those individuals are still running the logistics system.

    • joe says:

      DAG1 is responsible for the uniform regs, DA G4 has to provide the resources. Until the former makes that call, the latter can’t do anything.

    • SSD says:

      PEO Soldier briefed industry in October and told them that they would need contracts in place by January to make their target dates for placement in Clothing Sales.

  9. CAVstrong says:

    …..I thought that OCP uniforms were going to be made available during the 2nd or 3 QTR?

  10. Mike says:

    SSD, as always, thanks for keeping us updated.

    It is interesting that this article really doesn’t provide any real additional information beyond what we’ve already heard, with the exception of codifying that the boots, belts, and t shirts will be in Tan 499.

    Still no word on whether or not legacy OCP ACUs can be worn, nor is there any guidance allowing Soldiers to start wearing them before the new OCP ACUs become available for purchase.

    Also, I find it interesting that with both the APFU and now the OCP ACU the Army is taking a “…meh, wear it when you can get your hands on it” approach; i.e. there is no hard “phase in”/effective date. Just my .02 Based on that guidance (or lack thereof), one could even make the case that you could show up to work tomorrow in your old Multicam FRACUs because “hey, it’s an OCP ACU”. Not that anyone will (I wouldn’t), but still….

    Finally, SSD has been keeping us updated on the bookend effort for a while now so I think it is interesting that this article seems to suggest the tests have yet to occur, when we have reports (and seen pictures) that suggest otherwise (also from SSD).

    • Daniel says:

      I have my OCP FRACU standing by as well as a 50/50 NYCO I wore over there. Given the word I could switch immediately.

      • Eddie says:

        I’m enlisting next year, and thanks to my airsoft addiction I think I will be very well prepared for the transition, won’t have to spend much. 😛 Now when I say airsoft addiction, I really mean gear shopping, And by that I mean I shopped for only USGI components because I had this in mind for years. I say bring it on army, OCP for days. c:

        • Stiggy says:

          Dude. I hope you’re joking.

          • badjujuu says:

            dafuq lol

          • KP says:

            Eh. The guy is used to buying new gear. Whatever the army uses for bookend patterns there’s a chance he might already have an ensemble in it.

          • Eddie says:

            And why would you hope that? Does it seem so far-fetched that a young guy with that hobby would enlist? I’ve always had plans to. What I was merely saying was that with my decisions I may be better off in the long run. Please take that “Oh god airsoft bleh.” attitude somewhere else.

            • Paul says:

              Just focus on the basics and don’t skyline yourself as being a gear whore so early in your career. Are you going the combat arms route?

              • Eddie says:

                I didn’t intend to do that, I can see how that takes the wind out of my sails. but yes, I am going the infantry route, it’s the kind of experience I would like. I just want to be well prepared and be as effective as I can be. That’s partly the reason I shop in addition to physical changes. Let’s not deviate from the topic too far, I wouldn’t want to take this somewhere it shouldn’t be. I’ll take your advice though, flashy gear doesn’t make the man like it does in Milsim. I keep up with the blog to get news in preparation for when I do take the next step to enlisting, to know the situation with equipment especially before diving in. I can see how what I said might have been cocky sounding, but it was all with good intention. Thank you.

          • JBAR says:

            Dude, I hope you are the one joking. Here is someone who is excited about the military, even joining, and you just put him down because what, your are older? You are a FNG to some others. Everyone grows up. Besides, you are stoked about the camo also. Don’t be a dick.

            • SSD says:

              He needs to work on push-ups and maintaining PMA.

              By the time he joins they’ll issue everything he needs during IET. After that, he can use his fat bonus to buy everything else he wants.

        • Glen says:


          Choke yourself. Not with my hand…

          • Eddie says:

            Alright, I guess i’ll suffer the consequences for mentioning my hobby at all. Really disappointed with that bit of hate right there.

            • Ab5olut3zero says:

              Don’t sweat it dude. I’m a Tank PL and I get shit for playing airsoft too. The rule in my Company is- if they aren’t screwing with you, they don’t like you. Good luck, and hope to see you in the field one of these days.

            • Uniform223 says:

              You’re good in my book because you had the intestinal and testicular fortitude to sign up. Personally I hate and loathe mil-simmers who act and look highspeed hooah hooah wannabe SF when they themselves have never been apart of the military.
              Don’t go in talking up your airsoft stuff or acting like you know shit. You are a cherry. You are a cherry from basic to AIT and even at your Unit until you prove yourself otherwise. Better work on those push ups.

              Best of luck to you.

        • SGT Rock says:


          Você quer o saco?

    • Bebo says:

      For a second I thought you were referring to SSD (structured self development) lol

  11. Mike says:

    Who posting here has written their congressmen about the camo fiasco?

    • Rob says:

      Multiple times to my Representative and Senators and a visit to their DC offices, yet still no response.

    • KP says:

      And to the Senate Armed Services Committee (I neglected the HASC, oops.) I’d recommend everyone contact them too for anything related to military matters; they might not represent you as a senator/congressman, but they represent everyone when in their committees.

  12. Eric B says:

    Does the 2014 NDAA Enyart Amendment virtually ensure the “bookend” patterns to OCP will be either USMC MARPAT, AOR 1/2, or Woodland/DCU? If not, what other options could they be considering? ABU? Hahahaha! No, of course not. But really, what else?

    • Bert says:

      I don’t know, but those sound like the only reasonable choices. I think SSD mentioned only marpat and bdu/dcu were in the running. I think ERDL and 6color desert qualify as patterns owned by DoD, but doubt they are even being considered, perhaps due to not being in the inventory anymore. It would be ‘cool’, but I don’t know how well they would work with OCP TA50.

  13. That Blue Falcon says:

    So what’s the word on wearing existing stocks of OCP from RFI?

    • John says:

      Thats the real question for all of us that have duffelbags full of the OCP FRACUs.

      • 32sbct says:

        When the official notification was published that the Ranger Regiment would be wearing OCP for everyday wear it also authorized existing FRACU uniforms for wear. I thought that was a good sign.

  14. ReverendSpecialK says:

    So OCP is back to OEFCP and now the only OCP is Scorpion W2?

  15. Wardog 1-7 says:

    I do enjoy the fact that they Army is kind of glossing over the actual phase in date and going with the “wear it when it becomes available” stance. This is going to be interesting when you’ve got CSMs at brigade and division levels who are going to go crazy when they see Soldiers in formations wearing UCP and OCP, not to mention those crusty 1SGs who aren’t going to want their companies/troops/batteries in mix-and-match uniforms. I’ve brought up the question to both my 1SG and BN Ops SGM about wearing RFI OCP and both of them snorted in derision at the possibility of anyone being allowed to do so. Just like everyone else, I want to know when I can start wearing it, aside from the “4th Quarter FY 15” answer, and whether or not RFI OCP will be authorized as well as new OCP.

  16. DBack020 says:

    So we have garrison figured out! yay! and have gotten out of the digital age! yay! but what’s that on the horizon?..ahh more tests to figure out woodland and arid variants…which could possibly be used more than OCP on deployments. Oh well, at least the ball is rolling. I think these “tests” for woodland and arid should go relatively quickly…seeing how they have to select from current patterns. MARPAT and AOR? Maybe Woodland (as seen in a previous article) or choco? Digital or analog? How many test does it take to get to the center of camouflage? The world may never know.

    It’s unfortunate they can’t just change of the color of the Scorpion Pattern to make a more arid or woodland variant…kinda like what Crye did with their Multicam pattern…

    Scorpion Tropic
    Scorpion Arid
    Scorpion Alpine

    might save time….and money.

  17. FHRITP says:

    Any word on whether they are going to authorize combat shirts for use during ftx’s/pmt/things of that nature?

  18. terry says:

    Hopefully it can get implemented ASAP before re-deployment to iraq

  19. SGT Rock says:

    So… All of my boots that have been issued, along w/the ones I’ve bought out of pocket, are essentially going to be useless? Really?

  20. MTNPAO says:

    As there have been several discussions regarding the ‘book end’ patterns wouldn’t it seem that OCP equipment wouldn’t work well with these other patterns? Coyote OCIE is in the inventory, any further developments?