Protact by Haartz

Elite Defense & Patagonia Have Partnered Up To Bring You Free Beer (At SHOT)!

SHOT15 Patagonia & Elite Defense Beer Calling Hours

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4 Responses to “Elite Defense & Patagonia Have Partnered Up To Bring You Free Beer (At SHOT)!”

  1. Strike-Hold says:

    Nice one guys. No frills, no B.S. – just straight to the point. 🙂

  2. BrettW says:

    We try! I mean, why beat around the bush, right?

    We hope to see everyone there!

    (stop by and ask for me and I see about squaring you away with one of our new PVC patches {BIG THANK YOU TO FLEX SYSTEMS!!})

  3. Mike says:


    Hope to see you guys there.


  4. Will Romes says:

    The guys from Elite Defense are some great human beings…Those dudes work their butts off!