RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

SHOT Show – SilencerCo

SilencerCo displayed a version of Crye Precision’s Six12 rotary shotgun with an integrated 12 ga Salvo Suppressor.




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10 Responses to “SHOT Show – SilencerCo”

  1. Bushman says:

    Plastic parts look like 3D-printed. At least – handle and suppressor cover.

    • Q-Ball says:

      ……. And, oh wonderous one, do you think either Crye Precision or SilencerCo are the type of companies that would use “3D-Printed” items on their products?

      Thanks, bye.

      • Bushman says:

        For prototyping – for sure, they can. Any doubts?
        If your opinion is based on your belief, not on things you can actually see (large resolution photos of that thing are available – pretty much people took photos of it), then there is nothing to discuss.

    • Padawan says:

      Well, 3D printing is great for prototying.

  2. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Holy hell that’s cool.

  3. reverend says:

    Didn’t I get that in “Doom” on Level 1?

  4. patrulje says:

    Coming to a movie near you soon…unfortunately not coming to my gun safe…

  5. Invictus says:

    Oh, yes please.