RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

SHOT Show – T10 Thermal Imager from Torrey Pines Logic

Year after year, Torrey Pines Logic is tucked into a back corner of SHOT Show’s main tactical hall. I’ve known them since my active duty days and they are well known in the SOF S&T community for providing innovative technologies. At this year’s SHOT Show, TPL exhibited their T10 series of Thermal Imagers. I took a picture of it on top of a bill in order to show you its size. It’s actually that small, in the class of an MRDS.


They are marketing it as a thermal micro dot. Based on capability, it’s really more of a micro thermal sensor than a typical micro dot. But, the T10 does offer a low-cost, weapon mounted thermal sensor option.


Available in three models, the T10-S (50° FOV, 9Hz video) and T10-N (25° FOV, 9Hz video) are great for hog hunting and the T10-M (50° FOV, 30Hz video) is intended for LE use although none of the three are restricted sale. The screen offered several modes: white hot / color / black hot / NV green. The Picatinny compatible T10 comes with a wrist strap as well a handle.

Now, get this. The T10 is not ITAR controlled and can be exported under commerce rules. What’s more, all three models are very affordable.



19 Responses to “SHOT Show – T10 Thermal Imager from Torrey Pines Logic”

  1. BAP45 says:

    This has to be one of the slickest things I’ve seen come out the SHOT coverage. Any word on price ranges?

  2. Toinou says:

    This is insane. When you think that a Magpul buttstock is ITAR restricted but this isn’t… Wow.

    • Doc K says:

      It has to do with what uses the object has. A buttstock can only be used on a firearm, therefore it is a defense article and requires a permit. This could be used in a variety of civilian applications, therefore just a normal export permit. Also, it’s more than likely that all the hardware and software are COTS.

      • Bushman says:

        That’s true, average guy with Bachelor’s degree in electronics can assemble pretty similar device with some help of machinist, using 100% COTS components.
        There are pretty much videos (including really interesting ones in technical aspect) on Youtube about FLIR Lepton sensors.

  3. Jon, OPT says:

    Any feedback or testing on hot barreled weapons?

    Jon, OPT

  4. Bert says:

    I couldn’t find a price on their website… so how affordable?

  5. SN says:

    Wish the website had prices listed.

  6. Ju Con says:

    How well does it hold up to being mounted on a G19? 😀

  7. This needs to be attached to several of my guns pending price. Would make hunting coyotes and other vermin a lot more fun. Great work guys.

  8. BAP45 says:

    Here’s some more I dug up on them. Now I have yet another item to add to my wish list. haha

    “Purcell also demonstrated a short-range T10 Thermal Imager scope, an ideal tiny apparatus for hunters to use in a tree stand to check critters out to 40 yards or so or to trap a wounded animal by pointing it to the ground. Two models range in price from $400 to $700, with the lower-priced one delivering slightly slower imagery than the more expensive one.” – Union Tribune


    • RM says:

      Thank you BAP45, you provided some critical information that the writer neglected to mention, namely, the effective range of the T10: 40 yards…Kinda close for self defense purposes. I think I’ll pass for now.

  9. Keith says:

    Does this also have a built in reticle or does it mount in front of or behind your EOTech/Aimpoint? The website says it is a “red-dot accessory.” This would be pretty sweet for hot hunting.

    • Nattydreadbushdoc says:

      Thermals can’t see through glass (glass is an insulator) so it would have to go in front of iyour red dot if it is not a stand alone unit. Never had my hands on one of these so I can’t speak to the specifics just the science. Hope this answered part of your question.

  10. Jeff says:

    They are offering 100 off for Shot Show until march 1st. Here’s the link: http://tplogic.com/2015-shot-show/

  11. Jon C. says:

    Not just yeah, but hell yeah. Amazing…

  12. Ville says:

    Found this footage from today of the T-10 functionality at Shot Show 2015: