
Digital Close Air Support – BDATech Test Success


Black Diamond recently completed another successful Forward Air Control Utility Suite (FAC-US) SADL test with the A-10. This test completed full SADL messages to A10. Congratulations to the entire BDAT SW team for completing something that has never been so simple and accurate to use, and also dramatically increasing Sensor Point of Interest accuracy. This is going to revolutionize CAS with this platform.

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3 Responses to “Digital Close Air Support – BDATech Test Success”

  1. LCSO264 says:

    I’m not up to speed on all the acronyms etc… in this posting… Is this an effort (sounds like a sucessful one) to keep the A10 in service?

  2. Frank says:

    No, this test proves the efficacy of FAC-US/SADL, which can be used on any aircraft. This test aircraft just happens to be an A-10. I believe that some F-16Cs have SADL also.

  3. Airborne_fister says:

    When I was deployed the FAC’s were usually for us an AWACS or an F16. But then again I was JFO certified so I just needed a “cleared hot” Crome a JTAC.