GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Boy, It’s Getting Crowded In Here, Meet The LANTAC Keyed Accessory Mounting (KAM) System

The Picatinny (Mil Std 1913) attachment has been with us for some time.  Over the past few years, it’s been joined by Key Mod and M-Lok.  Now, LANTAC has thrown their hat into the ring with the license free Keyed Accessory Mounting (KAM) System taking us beyond any  BetaMax/VHS analogies.

Thanks to their adapter plate system, LANTAC claims KAM will attach to round surfaces such as tubular handguards in addition to flat surfaces.  What’s more, the mount itself is 100% integrated and only applies force to the mounting surface.  

Interested in using KAM? Contact info@lantac-usa.com


13 Responses to “Boy, It’s Getting Crowded In Here, Meet The LANTAC Keyed Accessory Mounting (KAM) System”

  1. Lasse says:

    Dude most people would rather have you do the HD-DVD and Bluray. If you remember BetaMax vs. VHS you are probably retired.

    Anyway, here is a stupid question: Why is this better than Keymod and/or M-LOK? Considering that a bunch of companies are already doing Keymod stuff, and Magpul is Magpul, where does this fit in?

    • SSD says:

      Yes, I’m retired.

    • KP says:

      I’m several decades away from retirement. I’m even familiar with the 8 Track tape succumbing to the cassette tape and when VCD was almost a thing. If you don’t know what BetaMax and VHS are, you’d do well to use the internet and enlighten yourself.

      I’m curious about how well this will adapt to rounded edges, something that the first two systems can’t easily do. I can imagine a rounded adapter plate but the interior of the handguard seems like it’ll still have to have a flat surface requiring some additional manufacturing considerations. That, and the prerequisite adapter plate and the necessity to machine the stop lugs onto accessories add too much complexity to manufacturing that I don’t think this system has much of a chance, without even considering its tardiness to the party.

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    HD-DVD and Beta-Max await their new synonym.

    Jon, OPT

  3. Dellis says:

    Do you all remember having your cassette player spit out your newly recorded Van Halen album and looking desperately through your car for a pencil?!!

    • Whiskey 1-1 says:

      What’s a pencil?

      • Frtizthedog says:

        Its a high-tech, retro, carbon-cellulose composite writing implement..
        It’s stealth. It’s stabbie. It’s lightweight.
        And it won’t piss ink on you at altitude or freeze up on a HAHO or clog up when trying to write your digits on a bar napkin….they’re all the rage, again.

  4. Brian says:

    The thing about HD-DVD vs Bluray is that they were both made obsolete by digital downloads. So, I am not sure that plays exactly here

  5. HMIFC03 says:

    Blu-ray is still a better option for those hi-fi a/v equipment who want better sound and picture quality.

    I’m not exactly thrilled by this..unless this is significant weight savings..though I have two SLR keymod rails and Mega Maten keymod which I would rather not switch up since they have been cerakoted to match the recievers. Lantac jumped in a little to late on this IMO. If anything will win out for one standard for all, it will be either keymod or m-lok, with the later more likely as magpul all on board for economic costs being cheaper for the manufacturer and consumer.

  6. Dellis says:

    I remember as a young’n my dad brought home from his tour in Vietnam a reel to reel….I am gonna say it was a “TEAC” (or some variant of that name), can’t say for positive, and he would listen to his Dean Martin and big band stuff while pounding down a 12 pack of his fav Coors Light and I must say that that reel to reel had an awesome sound quality to it.

    Good times

  7. Rick says:

    The only think my dad bought back from Vietnam was a bad attitude and a taste for 33.