AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

HPG Tarahumara in ODG Lupus Camo

Hill People Gear has a limited run of Tarahumara packs in Orion Design Group’s Lupus camouflage pattern.

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5 Responses to “HPG Tarahumara in ODG Lupus Camo”

  1. Jon, OPT says:

    I’m kinda in love with HPG, they clearly wake up daily and excrete perfection.

    Jon, OPT

  2. Adam says:

    And I just bought an Umlindi. It’s awesome, but it would have been hard to pass this up if I was still looking. I would be interested in gear made from Lupus, but it’s almost non-existent.

    • Justin M. says:

      afaik, beyond, tactical tailor, hill people, and vickers all have lupus products on or coming to market.

      that group would provide your full solution — load carriage, clothing and accessory gear.

      Bish — might be time to update the website and let people know where/when they can load up.