Protact by Haartz

#KCRF Giveaway

It’s the last day of May but already feels like summer, so how about a giveaway?

Mojo Tactical just released two new variant of the Keep Calm Return Fire logo patch in Black/Glow-in-the-dark and Black/Grey.  We’d like to give these, along with an original Blood Red patch, to a lucky reader. We’d also like to include some KCRF stickers from Tactical Distributors.


To enter:

1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD, tell us what you’d like to see SSD do more of. Only entries here are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 1300 Zulu on 2 June, 2015.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.

4. One winner will be selected at random from the comments we receive.

5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

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209 Responses to “#KCRF Giveaway”

  1. Jim says:

    You cover pretty much everything I’m interested in, however, kit reviews and developing kit/tech would be good

  2. Rob says:

    I would like to see more crossover reviews of civilian/military gear.

  3. Austin says:

    I’m sure this will come across as greedy/moochy, but more gunfighter moment and forces focus-type posts would be a welcomed. As far as kit goes, you feature a lot of various items and it’s a great archive. When I was putting together my PC, I found out about more than a couple pieces via SSD.

  4. George says:

    I would like to see more training videos

  5. bob says:

    More behind the scenes info and interviews from manufacturers and those developing the next generation of gear.

    Thanks, SSD!

  6. Flim says:

    I’ve really enjoyed your articles about the design and production processes of the large manufacturers. As a small kit maker, this gives me a lot of inspiration.

    I would be really interested in interviews of the design teams to further understand the ideas behind their kit.

  7. tryken says:

    I’d like to see some more articles on job opportunities for vets.

  8. Thomas Hagan says:

    What you all do at the moment is good to go.. Keep up the good work.

  9. Lt M says:

    All bases are already covered but, as a UK reader, would love to perhaps see some more Coalition Forces/Foreign Mil kit, and more Gunfighter Moments would without a doubt be much appreciated!

  10. Bow says:

    I love all of the posts and truly enjoy the site. One thing that I would like to see more of are videos from you in conjunction with the great photos you take. Possibly a “you tube” channel that co-exist with the website.

  11. M. Flynn says:

    Soldier Systems rocks already… Would like to see more regarding Veteran employment.

  12. Middian says:

    I believe providing more video interviews and product views while on the various site would contribute to a new dynamic on the stories. The articles would provide the details and the videos would give the reader a more intense look at the subject.

  13. chris says:

    Don’t change a thing!!!

  14. Richard says:

    Im pretty well satisfied. Thank you SSD!

  15. JP says:

    I would like to see a more optics, vehicle, and SERE articles, maybe more mindset/ situational articles?

  16. Bill says:

    articles featuring kit, weapons, and TTPs our enemies are using and insight into how to counter them.

  17. Kevin says:

    You guys do a great job on everything. I think some “get to know you” type interviews with the SMEs that you do the gunfighter moments with would be awesome.

  18. zack says:

    I’d like to see more motivational posts. I always start my day with SSD and It’s always nice to get a morale boost first thing in the morning.

  19. Teus Bijlsma says:

    Some industry prediction insights would be awesome.

  20. Wil says:

    I know this site does mostly firearms, knives, and gear etc. but what about articles on bows and crossbows.

  21. Anthony says:

    Would like to see more:

    – Operational gear news/updates.
    – DoD/Military news, controversies.
    – Tactical weapons/firearms & accessories news
    – Ammunition advances & news

  22. Jackalope says:

    I’d like to see more reviews of equipment being used in the field.

  23. Scott D says:

    more giveaways! Haha.

    I’d like to see more budget mind gear reviews.

  24. GunMonkeY says:

    EDC Gear. Carry gear for car and work.

  25. Andrew says:

    I would like to see more gunfighter moments, particularly ones that focus on the history of certain weapons. Maybe a series on handguns next? Seriously though, I check SSD every day, keep up the good work.

  26. RayForest says:

    Keep on doing what you do now. Nobody covers it like you guys. Things like the trivia contests from SMEs like Larry Vickers are always fun.

  27. Al V says:

    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    Well balanced site, keep up the good work!

  28. Ben says:

    Ideally, some more gear reviews-focused more around the individual, such as first, second, and thirdline kit. But heck, ya’ll do an awesome job anyways. Keep it up.

  29. Ty says:

    I think the website is pretty spot on, but I am always interested in more “Forces Focus.” Cheers!

  30. The Pig says:

    You strive to improve the content all of the time. New features and segments (First Spear Friday, Gunfighter moment, etc) have been added since I began reading. If I want more of anything, it would be yoru continued diligence to a more perfect SSD. Maybe some more Hot Shots girls behind the scenes? Tactical Whiskey?

  31. NCO says:

    Tactics and techniques. I know, it’s hard cause it’s an open access site, but think eclusive club – SOFREP style, just maybe with less Gung Ho.

    If not – just do your job like you do. We really appreciate it.

  32. Rich275 says:

    More profiles of people in the industry, specifically those that have served.

  33. sww says:

    The ideal would be more behind the scenes articles, just in the same way you featured history based articles around various weapons, those would be nice but focused on equipment.

  34. Bob M says:

    More reviews and historical articles on gear and weapons used by foreign forces would be a cool addition.

  35. CrustyCameron says:

    I really enjoyed the articles on the history of some kit and the use cases surrounding them. I’d also love to see some more focus on foreign forces, as well as their equipment. There’s a ton of knowledge out there, just need some ways of communicating that to the masses, especially in the “what’s old is new again” environment.

    Keep it up!

  36. Clutch says:

    Though the information on new gear is always intriguing, it is your articles on new military mandates as well as historical retrospectives. They aren’t as exciting as new military innovations, but as the goals of the armed forces becomes more and more vague, the disbursement of knowledge only helps us. “From one thing, know ten thousand things”. -Miyamoto Musashi

  37. JB says:

    Keep up the good work. I would like to see more articles on camouflage uniforms. Maybe comparisons with other countries. Thanks.

  38. Mike D says:

    I’d like to see more of SSD doing reviews of some products. SSD showcases a lot of things without hands on experience. I think an unbiased opinion of a product would help readers at times.

  39. David S says:

    I think you guys do a great job and cover a lot of things that are interesting. If I had to suggest more things I would have to say more kit reviews of all kinds, whether it’s firearms or gear, reviews would be perfect.

  40. Mike Dailey says:

    New, cutting edge products for outdoors use: maybe not extreme tactical stuff, but things everyday low speed folk can use with the Scouts, etc.

  41. John says:

    I would like to read more knife reviews.

  42. JD says:

    coverage of emerging small arms and equipment technology

  43. Josh says:

    Possibly reviews of gear or links to reputable reviewers.

  44. JM says:

    I would like to see more coverage on the updates being applied to tactical and combat vehicles. The focus would be on items that directly impact the crew and the passengers (seats, fire suppression, accessibility, stowage) and less on vehicle performance (armor, powerplant, armament, etc).

  45. Nick The Brit says:

    Like to see some posts on current TTPs on equipment employment. You used to have quite a number of them, but they’ve let up over the last couple of years.

    Overall, you have a really good balance of articles!

  46. Brian says:

    I would like to see some video reviews or interviews.

  47. RollButt001 says:

    What about individual war stories from soldiers.

  48. Jawbone says:

    I would like to see more reviews on gear, upcoming new gear prototypes or new releases. I really enjoy this site so if you choose to not change anything i will still be happy.

  49. Adam says:

    I’d like more updates on PEO programs and DoD equipment programs like the camo improvement program and the modular pistol program.

  50. AC says:

    SSD is a great site as it stands. Consider a new site based on the SSD concept but design it for law enforcement.