Violent Little Machine Shop has released the ‘Not A Survival Patch’. Made from leather with hook Velcro backing, it’s a bit thicker than your standard morale patch, but that’s because, counter-intuitive to its name, the patch is stuffed to the gills with survival tools. To get at the goodies within, you simply have to cut it open along the dotted line, which reveals:
You’ve got to visit the page to read the item descriptions which are hilarious. And, if you use anything in the patch, then tell your story to VLMS, send it back to them, and they’ll replace the used components, sew it back up, and charge you only for the replaced items and shipping.
Really neat and will be great for the loved ones. I really enjoy Violent Little and the approaches they are taking; good guys as well.
Now we’ll stand by for all the SERE experts to arrive and nitpick this kit.
sold out dammit!
Ah crap
We’ll be back in stock shortly!
They seem awfully concerned about people using the items on their genitals.
*looks around at the people around him*
Never mind.
Its all we think about…
I’ve actually used vaseline soaked cotton balls…several times now
What was the actual cost? I could not see it after it sold out.
I wish I knew the price as well.
Best. Patch ad. Ever!
“OUTSIDE OF THE BOX”……….Love it!!!!
Natural progression of both the moral patch and the mini survival kit. Just wish I had thought of it first. Now, I’m sure, we’re going to see a rush to market of similar products that will continue to get more and more ridiculous in size and components until they are completely silly.
You should see the “body patch” we’re working on…
So the only genital friendly thing in there is a cotton ball soaked in Vaseline? Hardcore.