SureFire XC3

Some Updates On PenCott Camouflage Products

UF-PRO PenCott

Slovenian tactical clothing company UF PRO offers some impressive products, however they have been difficult to procure for the North American customer, until now, that is. Canadian company SEALS Action Gear has become the North American distributor for UF PRO, and will be carrying their full line of products in the full colorway UF PRO offers, including PenCott patterns. Last month, we featured a story on SEALS Action Gear and their adoption of PenCott patterns for several of their in-house designs.

Tasmanian Tiger PenCott

Additionally, German tactical gear company Tasmanian Tactical is now offering various packs and load carrying gear in PenCott GreenZone, including, but not limited to, the TT Raid Pack MK III PC, TT 3 SGL Mag Pouch BEL PC, and TT Tac Pouch 4 PC horizontal.


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16 Responses to “Some Updates On PenCott Camouflage Products”

  1. mike says:

    Anyone know if US representation for Tasmanian Tiger (JTQ) is stocking Pencott? I’m always really excited from a nerd perspective to see what various camos do in the market and GreenZone looks a lot better in a temperate forest than I ever thought it would. Might be time to head to the GW National Forest and get some pictures!

    • Jon, OPT says:

      I know Tactical Tailor does stuff in Pencott patterns.

      Jon, OPT

      • Kerbert says:

        Tasmanian Tiger is the European = Condor. Although nice to see the Pencott. I would say their gear is of questionable Asian import.

        • TTMK says:

          re-post of my answer below, as it also fits here:
          Tasmanian Tiger’s company is not located in China, but in Vietnam. In contrary to most brands (including US-based ones), they actually OWN their own factory and don’t outsource, which is the only way to guarantee a continuous quality in production.
          For more than 20 years they have been producing in Vietnam according to German production standards (they actually fly a team of German government officials over twice a year, for certification). Additionally, they are SA8000 certified, which is only possible if you own your own production facilities.

          Every manufacturer, no matter the origin, can have hits and misses when it comes to consistent output. In that light Tasmanian Tiger put as much as possible structure in place to set-up an operation that is able to achieve consistent high standards.
          And that’s something that you can’t say about all brands.

          For anyone interested in taking a look behind the scenes, there is the possibility to visit the production. Go check:

        • DCJ says:

          I am sorry, Kerbert, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Tasmanian Tiger is playing in a completely different league than Conodo when it comes to their gear.

          There is always room for improvement, but so far everything I have been using by Tasmanian Tiger is high quality production gear. And I exspect nothing less from a german company – even if they manufacture their products overseas.

          They are even certified to treat their emplyees right to western standards. How many companies can actually prove that and would you visit their factory?

  2. Dellis says:

    Great lookin camo in right setting!

    The bodies of each guy fade into the environment very well…..cept for the last guy with desert boots, I think.

  3. SteveB says:

    Pencott Greenzone is an outstanding pattern for many verdant crop land/ woodland environments, both temperate and tropical. One of the best I’ve ever tried. I’m looking forward to putting some Badlands to the test this fall.

  4. Bill says:

    How’s it compare to Multicam Tropic? I “like” the look of Pencott but don’t have the knowledge to make an informed judgment. Environment would be mixed confiferous/deciduous multigenerational forest,, with load of poison ivy, multiflora rose, marijuana, meth labs and the occasional dead prostitute dumped from the big city. I like woodland, but it isn’t sexy or expensive enough for the young guys.

  5. Bradkaf308 says:

    I like Greenzone, it blends better with CadPat than anything else. Not a lot of options for CadPat products. Glad to here this.

  6. Bradkaf308 says:

    I got a couple Tas Tiger pouches in Afghan they are well made, FYI.

    • Kerbert says:

      It’s hit or miss, you’ll get a bomb proof one and one that falls apart entry of deployment. This is the typical MO of Chinese gear. Either works or fails. The consistency is why I stick to US name brands.

      • TTMK says:

        Tasmanian Tiger’s company is not located in China, but in Vietnam. In contrary to most brands (including US-based ones), they actually OWN their own factory and don’t outsource, which is the only way to guarantee a continuous quality in production.
        For more than 20 years they have been producing in Vietnam according to German production standards (they actually fly a team of German government officials over twice a year, for certification). Additionally, they are SA8000 certified, which is only possible if you own your own production facilities.

        Every manufacturer, no matter the origin, can have hits and misses when it comes to consistent output. In that light Tasmanian Tiger put as much as possible structure in place to set-up an operation that is able to achieve consistent high standards.
        And that’s something that you can’t say about all brands.

        For anyone interested in taking a look behind the scenes, there is the possibility to visit the production. Go check:

      • Golf says:

        For your information –

        They own their own factory in Vietnam. their equipment maybe not the most up to date – but def in high quality and passes any military gear standards. Pouches could be better – i agree. but still better than most of the crap in the market.

        FYI – but if it was not for Putin TT would have closed a 3M euro deal to equip the Russian military.

  7. Jürgen says:

    We had a closer look at the TT Chest Rig MK II (Google translate works fine):

  8. TACWRK says:

    You can find the full Tasmanian Tiger PenCott Greenzone Line on our website and we do ship international: