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The Air Force Fun Police Strike Yet Again

It may seem like we’ve been a bit heavy handed this weekend with the Air Force, but hey, they keep coming up with stuff like this. Why make a shirt that no one can wear?

Make the jump to see the offending T-shirt.


They say stuff always happens in threes. After the PC POGs and this, we can’t wait to see what the Air Force does next.

Photos from Facebook

29 Responses to “The Air Force Fun Police Strike Yet Again”

  1. Lasse says:

    I’ll just assume that it’s in a foreign country (wild guess would be Qatar) and that’s the reason for it. Arabs in general are pretty easily offended. bla bla host nation cultural awareness etc. don’t beat Afghans that rape their kids etc. etc.

    If it’s a stateside PX, then bawhhahahahaaha there are some sensitive people out here!

    • Matt says:

      I was in Saudi for awhile some time back. We had all these things we had to observe so as to not “offend” the locals. Next door to our compound was the Brit compound. They didn’t follow the same rules we did. They told the Saudi’s that if you don’t like we’ll go home. It was amazing how quickly the Saudi’s got over being offended.


      • mike says:

        Not that I’m for shitting on people’s culture, especially when they are hosting, but a certain amount of this would be good for us. “If you don’t like us here we’ll leave” Too bad our foreign policy requirements wouldn’t support calling the buff…

  2. bulldog76 says:

    welp my faith in humanity keeps going down

  3. Jack says:

    So when are we gonna abolish the AF and reinstate the Air Corps?

  4. Kurt says:

    The nation, and the Military of the perpetually offended.

  5. Erik says:

    Well…..it’s a pretty cool shirt at least?

  6. Stefan S. says:

    A pinup free zone. LOL! AAFES sucks anyway! PC has run amok. Getting to the point that my service to this country was a waste of my time!

    • Airborne_fister says:

      AAFES= Always And Forever Exploiting Service members. We used to say soldiers. But I guess they didn’t know the AAF part of AAFES. Stands for Army, Air Force. But I love it when my soldiers would say clothing AND sales.

  7. Angelo says:

    Well, now we know why the AF wants to do away with the A10 Warthog. No flying gets done in war when all pilots are on PC policing duty.

  8. usaeod911 says:

    Rape is Ok in Hadji land but a 50s pinup is offensive???? WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK, can we just nuke these countries and start over.

  9. Toby says:

    Well all one has to do is watch AFN. Wow, as a white Christian male I know that I beat my wife, steal, commit espionage, abuse the Internet, don’t wear my seat belt, commit countless acts of harassment and sexual abuse, I spend too much money, miss use my government credit card, abuse alcohol, drugs, and gambling, and finally that I “don’t know what right looks like”. Yep, I say since we keep saving the damn world and give money to every one I think it’s time for a little global manifest destiny.
    It’s time to clean up our own back yard brothers and sisters.

    • Mike Honcho says:

      My favorite from Iraq was the AFN reminder that petting local dogs was in violation of General Order Number 1. Never saw a dog in that country I wanted to touch; maybe the nice ones were in a different AOR.

  10. T says:

    It blows my mind people still volunteer for this.

  11. Snakeman says:

    I agree, if they feel offended over that shirt, just nuke ’em and turn the place into glass. Bet the survivors would be less offended then. If they still do, we have more nukes to dispose of anyways. This politically correct shit is getting old.
    I am not politically correct. F—Them All

  12. matty says:

    Jesus, It’s not even that bad of a shirt. I feel bad for the dudes over at Al Udeid.

  13. JP says:

    We (my team) quit worrying about the PC crap a long time ago in Kabul. When you have “generals” with their chai-boys in tow, doing what they can to violate all acceptable standards, then f**k those people.

    I found porn on our interpreters’ computers; caught Afghan police buying, selling, and drinking moonshine; caught police chiefs and commanders “sharing” information with “friendly forces”.

    Cultural sensitivity can suck a dick.

  14. Osembe says:

    Okay. Now I want that tshirt. Seriously. Anyone have link and a price?

  15. historia says:

    Shirt seems pretty tame to me

  16. Major Smoof says:

    Damn. That wasn’t there a few months ago when I was… I like it. Better than the boring Under Armor one I got as a memento instead.

  17. Dev says:

    It says “should not”, does that mean it’s merely a recommendation?

  18. Doug says:

    So is someone going to do a run of these for sale to the public? I’d buy one.

  19. USAF Defender(old skewl SP) says:

    Yes please can we buy these. Without me passing through Al UDEID a third time? Anyone been there previously years before and notice how trashy it looks now?

  20. jjj0309 says:

    Social Justice movement and pseudo Neo-Feminism has infiltrated our military systems.
    Fuck this politically correct shit. It’s just massive hypocritical propaganda piece.

  21. Riceball says:

    If that shirt is offensive that they feel they have to put up a sign that it’s not to be worn on or off base, then why are they selling them in the PX in the first place? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just not carry it at all leaving it up to the individual Airman to order it online or something if they really want it?

  22. Mark G says:

    Does it matter that Al Udeid is mispelled? The letter “E” doesn’t exist in Arabic.

  23. Jian Hong says:

    Unbelievable, America is pathetic and even worse PC is now running amok in our military.

    Fuck political correctness and if this offends you then fuck you too