SIG MMG 338 Program Series

USMC Snipers Select Mystery Ranch Packs

Marine Corps Systems Command selects Mystery Ranch by way of DLA’s Tailored Logistic Support Program to provide the Overload pack

MYSTERY RANCH has been selected by Marine Corps Systems Command to provide their Overload pack for the Scout Snipers. The Overload pack is a unique carry system designed to securely transport all manner of crew-served weapons. Based on the carbon-fiber NICE frame, the pack folds away from the frame allowing weapons, etc to be attached close to the user’s back. Weapons are secured cross-carry, which allows for protection of a weapon’s optic while being transported and also helps conceal the sniper’s rifle from observation. Additionally, the pack can extend further to transport mortars, Pelican cases, ammo cans or larger gear.

“It’s great to see this come full circle for the Overload pack –its design began with the Scout Snipers. I’m proud that we’re able to help them be more combat effective.” said Kent Orms, Director of Gov’t Programs for MYSTERY RANCH.

The MYSTERY RANCH Overload has previous success with the Marine Corps; it and the 3-Day Assault pack have been the main issue packs for MARSOC since 2013.


17 Responses to “USMC Snipers Select Mystery Ranch Packs”

  1. james says:

    Well Done Dana! MR has always made great products and has been on the cutting edge of load bearing carriages for years! The Marines should be psyched to get such a well thought out design…

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    Wow MR, that is a f#cking incredible pack! Congrats on the contract!

    Jon, OPT

  3. Jack C says:

    And the rest of the grunts continue to suffer thru CIF and buy with their own cash.

  4. Francis says:

    I thought the MR SATL was SOCOM’s standard issue. But MARSOC had to be extra special with the 3-day?

    I’m guessing all the SOCOM members do something similar. So can someone explain why big SOCOM even bothers with standard issue equipment?

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Speaking for the Army, the Army provides MTOE equipment, M4, M9, etc and on individual level CIF and RFI, USASOC then fills the gaps with SPEAR and unit level gear that meets mission requirements, beyond that JOS is also available. It’s all about different purses and budget management. I’m speaking in layman’s terms, the implementation is deeper than this, but the idea is get higher levels to provide gear that every SM is entitled to, which ties them into the replacement system for that gear as well.

    • SSD says:

      There are multiple examples of the different components issuing unique equipment.

  5. jt03SS says:

    Good to hear, almost my entire platoon is running around with various mountain rucks. Anxious to see how this ruck works out.

  6. Eddie says:

    Surely a step up from the Vietnam Produced Eberlestock sniper packs the poor Jarheads have been buying over the years, bad for armor, worse with a ton of weight, and I can only imagine the horrors of snagging with that plush padding. Great job MR!

    • Luke says:

      Agreed. When I first saw this I thought “well, that pretty much beats an eberlystock in every possible way” (Ok, except price). Just get the lifter panel and you’re really in business.

  7. Dellis says:

    I’m not no sniper, although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express….but I digress, anyway while I am no sniper the MR 3Day Assault pack is an awesome pack. Mine goes with me on all road trips, hikes and many times just tossed in my truck. It’s sturdy, super comfy and one can build it out as needed.

    Congrats Mystery Ranch

  8. reverend says:

    Kudos. That’s freaking genius with that packs within a pack set up! (slow clap started)

  9. SR says:

    Awesome, now I can start trolling Pendleton and Coronado craigslist to find a “slightly used” one at an affordable price.

    But I am jelly. Amazing pack.

    • Ashcrack Baqsack says:

      I’m with you on that.
      It seems that the ONLY WAY to get these gears nowadays are craiglist, armslist, or eBay. What is the wait time now to order USA-made MR 3DAP? 4 months?

      • darrel says:

        I ordered one not even three months ago and there was no lead time, it shipped in like 36 hours. I am active duty military, but I don’t think I even mentioned this to them

  10. Chad s says:

    When I was with the 82nd airborne in 2010 we used this pack to carry out 81mm mortar systems. I bought one for myself soon after

  11. CRtea says:

    In some ways a sweet pack, have liked other models, but not for this. The bad guys don’t tend to like snipers. Carrying your rig in an upright or uncovered manner (this design does Both) which demonstrates its non-standard barrel length and/or non-standard brake .. will get you singled out for more shooting at.