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US Army Authorizes Black Socks For PT Uniform

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Nov. 5, 2015) — Soldiers are now authorized to wear either black or white socks with their Army physical fitness uniform.

Effective immediately, black socks can be worn with either the gray-black PT uniform or the new gold and black uniform.

Black socks are now authorized for wear with both the Improved Physical Fitness Uniform (black and gold) and the traditional gray Army Physical Fitness Uniform. Both uniforms are shown here a U.S. Army Alaska formation as Soldiers participate in an Army Birthday Run on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, June 4, 2015.

Like white socks, the black socks must be plain with no logos. The socks can be calf-length or ankle-length, but must at least cover the entire ankle bone, said Sgt. Maj. Eva M. Commons, Army uniform policy sergeant major with G-1.

The new policy comes as a result of Soldiers requesting the change over the last several months, Commons said.

“The senior Army leaders will go out to various installations and receive questions from the field,” Commons said. “…One of the ones brought back was the request to be authorized to wear black socks.”

The Army staff then examined the request, she said. The black sock question was also placed into a uniform item survey completed in August by 18,588 Soldiers. Almost 67 percent of respondents, or 12,408 said that black socks should be authorized.

Since the black socks will be optional, there was no production requirement, no cost associated, and the logistical aspect was minimal, so this change was able to go through an abbreviated board process, Commons said, but added that all of the steps of the Uniform Board process were still completed before the change was considered by the Army chief of staff.

“We were able to get through all of the steps much more quickly and get it approved and get it implemented so Soldiers can start operating under this new guidance,” she said.

The new guidance is outlined in an Exception to Policy, or ETP, memorandum signed by Lt. Gen. James McConville, Army G-1, Nov. 5. That memo will serve as the authorization for Soldiers to wear black PT socks until DA Pam 670-1 is updated in a few months, Commons said.

Another change to the new DA Pam 670-1 will be the elimination of all reference to the dress green Army Service Uniform, or ASU. Sept. 30 was the wear-out date for the green Class A jacket, she explained. All Soldiers should now have the blue ASU.

Other items in the recent uniform survey must go before the Uniform Board at Department of the Army before they can be implemented, Commons said. The survey included questions about a wind-proof blue Eisenhower jacket, a single-style “campaign hat” for all drill sergeants, and a single-style ASU cap for all Soldiers.

A majority of Soldiers voted for the optional wind-proof Eisenhower, or IKE, jacket meant to be worn in the workplace. A total of 11,613 Soldiers, or 62.5 percent of the respondents, were in favor of authorizing the Ike jacket to be worn in addition to the current black windbreaker.

Soldiers also voted that all drill sergeants, including women, should wear a single-style “campaign hat,” already worn by male drill sergeants. A total of 11,590 Soldiers, or 62.4 percent of respondents, wanted this headgear for all drill instructors.

A majority of survey respondents wanted the Army to go to a single-style service cap for all Soldiers. A total of 12,250 Soldiers, or 65.9 percent, wanted the “bus driver” type cap – now worn by males – to be authorized for wear by all Soldiers.

In addition, 10,313 respondents, or 55.4 percent, wanted the blue service cap to be the required headgear with ASUs for senior noncommissioned officers (sergeant first class and above), officers and warrant officers, instead of the beret.

A representative sample of active-duty, National Guard and Army Reserve troops were asked to complete the uniform survey.

36 Responses to “US Army Authorizes Black Socks For PT Uniform”

  1. Logan says:

    So now guys with all black PT uniforms, black socks/shoes with a yellow PT belt can look like batman. Yay!

    • Fury says:

      Thank goodness I have a dog to eat the food I just spit out on the floor when I read your comment…

  2. RJ says:

    Band-aids on major bleeders. I would like to think that people at HQDA have better things to do than come up with this stuff, and I know they have a lot of people doing great work, but this is meaningless stuff meant to make people feel good for about 3 seconds. We’re getting around to making good changes but the interim stuff like this is a side-show and somewhat disappointing. I can only imagine some peoples cerebral edemas seeing formations of mixed PT’s and mixed socks that are all authorized. Goodness.

  3. Barf from Spaceballs says:

    These changes are only thought of because enough soldiers bitch about it.

    But I highly doubt many CSMs will allow this to happen. I remember not being able to switch from berets to soft caps until the BC/CSM gave us their permission.

    • RJ says:

      I remember looking at the survey with the female DS wearing a male campaign hat with a blue disk thinking “Subliminal message much?”

      I can’t imagine people in the Army are up in arms about male/female DS headgear being different. Females chose that headgear when they were authorized to serve in that position.

    • Dan says:

      Why is everyone so resistant to changes that are authorized? You have unit commanders exercising “commander’s discretion” over which PT uniform or ACU pattern to wear, now socks. And what’s worse? No matter how many paper memos you have saying you can do this or that, they can say no.

  4. j c says:

    Can someone please explain to me the dangers of showing ones ankles ? Where in the Army Sharia Regulations does it forbid the showing of ankles?

    • joe says:

      Proves you’re wearing socks and not one of the smelly hippies in disguise.

      (and because I probably have to say it, )

    • Bill says:

      “Ankle bone?” I’m pretty sure there’s more than one. They probably are worried that someone will show up with those anklets that had the little balls on back that women wore in the 80’s.

      I thought only nerds and geeks wore shorts and black socks. Of course, I’m at the age where compression socks are on the horizon.

  5. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Who voted for the Ike jacket? Now the bus driver look will be complete… and doubly so on the fat officers!

  6. ck says:

    Lets just get rid of every aspect of discipline in the military so people can be individual special snowflakes. Thats not going to get a lot of people killed or anything..

    • z0phi3l says:

      Not sure how you came to this retarded conclusion based on the color of sock. Or are you one of those asshole SGM that insist on setting their own rules and cry about “uniformity”?

      • ck says:

        Seriously lol You honestly can’t be that dumb. It’s the military. There needs to be standards because complacency kills. And I’m going to go on a limb and say your dense brain won’t be able to wrap around the fact uniformity exists because it’s one of the best defenses against infiltration. But don’t ask me, ask the Israelis why they are so strict on it.
        But hey, what does it matter its just sock color…

    • 10thMountainMan says:

      Sigh, I think someone raked the dirt lines over by battalion East to West instead of North to South. You should go check it out.

    • CAVstrong says:

      I actually agree with you. The problem is the “Big Army” is refuses to pay for Uniformity. That’s why we have two different colored dress uniforms and 6-8 different colors of equipment.

      The Army needs to just pony up the $10 Billion or so to outfit the army in one fiscal year. That will in fact be cheaper in the long run than a multi year phase in phase out idea.

      And oh by the way get rid of NYCO. If we can’t deploy in it we don’t need it.

  7. paul says:

    About fucking time. Holy shit.

  8. Matt says:

    This is overkill. What does it matter what freaking color some ones socks are when they are running. It would be one thing if it is a dress uniform. But in PT panties, who cares? In basic guys run with what they are given so it’s not a big deal. By time they are in active service and can buy their own, what does it matter? Another thing. How much US Taxpayer money do you think was wasted making this decision?

  9. D.B. says:

    Earth shattering stuff…indeed.

  10. Ed Hickey says:

    I remember reading somewhere you want white socks for exercising & running. Black socks aren’t good for that.

    • Ed Hickey says:

      And after a google search “the big Army knows what there doing. Couldn’t find any negative info on black socks for PT

  11. Aaron says:

    No if we can get over this fear of logos Soldiers will be able to have real socks.

  12. Snakeman says:

    Back when I was in, wither it was Basic, AIT, or at my duty station, PT was done in OD fatigue jackets, fatigue pants and our issued combat boots. If the wet bulb temperature was at a certain reading, we were allowed to unblouse our jackets, pants, and roll up our sleeves above our elbows. If the temperature went to a real high number, (over 90 come to mind) we were allowed to remove the jacket and preform PT in our white tee shirts and unbloused pants, but always with our boots on.

    • Daniel says:

      I believe they found that PTing in close designed for PT reduced injury rates among soldiers.

      • Giovani says:

        I think you meant to write “clothes”.

      • Dev says:

        It depends. I PT in my boots (Crossfire Peacekeepers made by Weinbrenner in the USA) whenever I can. Great boot and more comfortable than any hiker or runner I’ve ever worn.

        • Glen says:

          “Great boot and more comfortable than any hiker or runner I’ve ever worn.”

          If so, I do believe you are doing it wrong.

    • 10thMountainMan says:

      Tell me more. I’m fascinated.

  13. Brian says:

    Does this mean female cadets and the new female Rangers will be able to wear thigh highs and knee highs? Cause that just opens up a whole another world of possibilities!!! Lol

  14. Philip says:

    The spelling and grammatical errors in the comments of this post caused my IQ to drop 15 points.