
Milipol – Climbing Technology / Zamberlan

In conjunction with Climbing Technology, Italian footwear manufacturer Zamberlan has introduced camouflage variants of three of their most popular styles.    
The Leopard, Lynx and Cougar High are all Gore-Tex lined and feature Vibram camouflage soles as well as the Hydrobloc camouflage finish applied to the leather.


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9 Responses to “Milipol – Climbing Technology / Zamberlan”

  1. STEPAN1983 says:

    It looks so stupid with the solid color boot and bright yellow civilian Vibran logo in the middle

  2. Amish says:

    I don’t care, how much and where do I shove my money?

  3. Dave says:

    Do they still feature a steel floor shank? A nasty way to add more fragmentation to an IED blast…

  4. Dellis says:

    Does it matter the sole is camo? I mean a few hundred yards in dirt or asphalt and it’s all tarred up!

  5. Bradkaf308 says:

    Leopard? Is that the left one? Nice. Need, ok want much.

  6. ACME Inc says:

    Where can you buy them?