
TSSi Introduces The Rolling Mass Casualty Kit

TSSi Mass Casuality Kit

Harrisonburg, Virginia, December 4, 2015 – TSSi is pleased to announce the release of its newest
TACOPS product, the Rolling Mass Casualty Kit.

Close to a decade ago, TSSi provided our U.S. military forces with the first viable combat Mass Casualty Response Kit designed to provide emergency trauma treatment for 16-20 service members subjected to life-threatening injuries. It also included litter movement for six persons. This was closely followed by our Mass Casualty Incident Response Kit, which was specifically intended for civilian use. Both kit versions are currently pre-propositioned within the Department of Defense, in universities and throughout major cities with emergency responders and in locations where large groups of people gather.

Offering the first Rolling Mass Casualty Kit configured inside of a rolling duffle, TSSi once again exemplifies our motto of ‘Innovation, Not Imitation.’

The Rolling Mass Casualty Kit features shoulder straps for ease of movement on stairways and includes sufficient emergency medical components to treat more than 30 casualties having life threatening injuries. Like its predecessors, the new kit continues to provide litter transport for six persons.

For more information about the Rolling Mass Casualty Kit or TSSi’s capabilities, contact a Sales Representative at or toll-free 877 535-8774.


11 Responses to “TSSi Introduces The Rolling Mass Casualty Kit”

  1. andrew says:

    It would be nice if the government would make this kit mandatory for every household.

    • jbgleason says:

      Nice for TSSI maybe. You aren’t actually saying that the government should dictate what citizens keep in their homes I hope.

      • Bill says:

        Dude – a mass casualty kit might be overdoing it, but if The Man required every dwelling to be equipped with a CO detector, a smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher do you think it’s a boot on the neck of our liberty? Or just common sense that might save some lives? Heck, fire departments give make detectors away in a lot of places. Besides, the .gov already regulates a lot of what goes in our houses, like no asbestos.

        Would you argue the same if the government issued and required every household to have an AR mounted over the mantle?

        • james says:

          For a mall, movie theater,school,gov’t building,etc maybe it could be part of the local fire code. Anywhere where there is a lot of people. It’s too much for a household, if wants to do something like that a simple trauma bag and training given away at fire dept’s would make a lot more sense, like an expanded CERT program.

  2. james says:

    I would like to see a kit like this broken down into the triage colors. A big bag for green, a half dozen yellow bags, and a couple of big red bags, with the main outer bag staying red. Should be something large gathering places have just like fire extinguishers/hoses and AED’s, throw in a few med sleds while they’re at it. Probably not much more expensive than a wall mount hose………

    • Bill says:

      I think it depends on contents. Not everyone knows what to do with some med gear, assuming you want it available to the occupants and not just the responding medics. If i see someone coming at me with a chest needle or NG tube and they don’t look like they know what they are doing, there’s going to be trouble.

      I also bet that’s a LOT more expensive than a hose and reel, and I’m confident that the contents have an expiration date, though I have no idea of how things like alcohol and sealed bandages can age out.

      • Nick says:

        Chest darts and NG tubes don’t belong in a triage kit…

      • james says:

        That’s true, have to be very careful what you put in it . Maybe have a tiered approach. Have a simple wall cabinet with an advanced bag and a more or less universal key for EMS ,but that’s kinda pie in the sky. Expiration/failure for bandages is primarily exposure and packaging related, but fire extinguishers get serviced too.Not going to be alcohol preps in an MCI kit.

        • james says:

          Also have to look at all the cost to place a hose and reel(even a simple one). It could easily be a couple thousand dollars.

  3. joe says:


    So with this kit, MASCAL is now defined as more than 30 casualties or 6 litter casualties? How many providers is it designed to support? Who can reliably treat 30 casualties at once?

    A mass casualty event occurs when the number of casualties exceeds the capacity to treat. The language here, taken at face value, means 30 casualties with life-threatening injuries are good to go with this kit.

    I deal with this on a regular basis. The definition of MASCAL is decided on whim, with no analysis of capability. Descriptions like this don’t help.

  4. Chuck Mac says:

    Kit looks like you are paying for the labor (i.e. cost to sew and stitch all that stuff) and the “expert” I’m sure they hired to consult on this. Don’t get me wrong — I like the idea, but you could build your own for a lot less $$$$$.