TYR Tactical

SERE Pick – Black Box Module

Assembled by the guys at SERE Pick, this custom kit was designed by Ed Calderon for use in the BlackBox Training Module. We’ve mentioned Ed’s Manifesto in the past and he offers some very interesting insight.  

Included in the 3x4in Poly Zip Bag are the following tools:
Kevlar Cordage
Hook Blade
Bogota Titan Entry Toolset
Ceramic Razor Blade
Quick Stick x2
EZ Decoder x2
Split Pawl Handcuff Shim x2
Polymer Lapel Dagger
Folding Razor Saw
1.5in Green ChemLight
Polymer Handcuff Key x2
Patch NOT included


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9 Responses to “SERE Pick – Black Box Module”

  1. combatdoc68 says:

    I have taken the course and met with both parties, Serepick and Ed. Both are great entities to work with! I highly suggest taking the course if you have no experience with the above tools. Great quality products that have still held up months later.

  2. that guy says:

    This is a great package done by two guys who have been there and back. Perfect collaboration to get the job done. Hint: hind tools in plain sight(band-aids work well)

  3. Adun says:

    They should include the patch, it really rounds out the photo.

  4. Zulu6 says:

    I taught at the Navy’s Coronado SERE school and DoD’s Terrorism Survival school. We taught only improvised lock picking tools & their construction in captivity. We also only used actual situations where they have proved to have aid or could aid an escape … no fantasy baseball where all tools are present. That there is an industry around selling these lock pick tool sets as “SERE” escape tools is baffling to me. You will be stripped naked, or duct-taped from head to toe in the first minutes so having these items hidden or open will only confirm you are someone spooky/worth killing or torturing faster. Better to have bobby-pins, safety pins and paperclips. Its crazy money for a crazy concept but more power to ’em.

    • EDog says:

      So you think your specific use case is the only one there is?…everyone who is kidnapped or captured is “stripped naked, or duct-taped from head to toe”?

      Sounds like an example of an “expert” having a bad case of tunnel vision.

      • Reseremb says:

        Ukraine, plenty of examples of prisoners not being stripped naked nor duct-taped, as in that case was impossible to move, transport or exhibit them. Also a few members of Ukrainian SOF were able to scape from captivity during the early stages (before being transported deep into enemy territory)

        Also, some of the tools seen in this post are being used in the current SERE and CAC course of NATO.