FirstSpear TV

Altama Has Something To Show You At SHOT


Check out their latest boots at showcase booth #20149.

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10 Responses to “Altama Has Something To Show You At SHOT”

  1. Jian Hong says:

    I hope they’re bringing back OD green jungles?? Looks like jungles in that box

    • mike says:

      Definitely looks like Jungles and I know a lot of people who will be super stoked to see this!!!

  2. BS says:

    I see grommets!

  3. Strike-Hold says:

    Its a rumble in the jungle!

  4. Dan says:

    Jungles! But is the insole any good? Thats the one area jungle boots can improve on. Anyone know anything about those plastic 3-d printed insoles?

  5. Mike says:


  6. Wider says:

    no drainage holes – no jungle boots:-(

    • Riceball says:

      I think I see drainage holes, it’s hard to tell for certain since they could be eyelets but they seem to be a bit too low for eyelets. I think that the only way to tell from this image is to compare the tread pattern on the heel to those on jungle boots. The tread pattern looks like they could be jungle boots, but they also looks like the old black boots that were being issued during the ’90s.