Protact by Haartz

SHOT Show – Industry Day At The Range – KRISS Vector


KRISS revealed a few updates to the Vector line of SMGs, carbines, SBRs, and pistols for 2016. The first is the addition of a KRISS arm brace as a standard option for the Vector SDP. Previously, users had to do their own modification to the pistol to utilize an arm brace.

Additionally, KRISS will soon be offering the Vector line in several new calibers, joining the currently available .45 ACP and 9x19mm. The first is .40 S&W, which is projected for a Summer release. This will be followed by 10mm Auto and .357 SIG by year’s end, as well as 9x21mm, which is intended specifically for the international market.

Stay tuned for more info on these new caliber Vectors as they become available.


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