RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Tactical Tracking Operations School Launches New Website

Although you may not have heard of them, Tactical Tracking Operations School has been around for over 20 years. In fact, they were the only company for many years to provide specialized tracking instruction here in the US. The website has loads of information; 22 years worth, to be exact. There’s also info on their latest programs of instruction.




10 Responses to “Tactical Tracking Operations School Launches New Website”

  1. John Doe says:

    This dude Peter Kerr (President of the company) is a fraud. I’ll give him this — he has the gift of Gab, but definitely none of the fluffed bullshit experience he is boasting. He was a volunteer/reservist with that conservation and resource enforcement state agency in Hawaii for most of his time and had very limited real “LEO” experience and he ABSOLUTELY does NOT have ANY REAL narcotics or counter-narcotics enforcement experience and definitely NOT ANY military experience, as he has stated in his bio! (If you question this claim, just do a little digging in Hawaii, more particularly on the Big Island and you will find out the truth about his experience and his claims). He was never a “real” LEO; or ever served in ANY military capacity! The BLUF is he is simply parroting and regurgitating these so-called tracking skills that Scott-Donelan has passed on to him. I can’t speak of the others in his current organization, because I do not have firsthand experience with any of them; however, I did with Donelan and Kancir (the original guys that stared TTOS prior to Kerr and the very people that brought Kerr onboard to serve under Donelan). Now, although Donelan is supposedly a fraud (I don’t know…???), I believe Kancir was the ONLY one of that era that has a legitimate background with US Army SF. So you are asking why am I blasting this dude? Simple, when you order an in-and-out hamburger, you do not expect to be served a tofu sandwich. This dude is a fake, just take a look at what they have to say of their ex-instructors or former students on their website, at the very minimum, it should raise a flag of why the F has this company gone through so many changes and scrutiny over the last couple of decades? It’s amazing how people are so easily swindled into these false claims and even more surprising how the US Government have bought into this scam!!!

    • SSD says:

      John Doe, I wish you had the courage to use your real name like they did.

      • N.D. Tyson says:

        Really, SSD? With the very real PERSEC concerns some people have today, using a pseudonym online is a hallmark of cowardice? I’m pretty sure “John Doe” isn’t the guy advertising a service here, unlike the guys whose backgrounds he’s calling into question. Obviously, the information should be verified…but why would that be any different than if his name was Roscoe Sercoucous?

        • SSD says:

          Anyone can do a drive by. If you want people to take you seriously, you use your name, particularly when accusing people of being frauds. None of us know if this commenter is a competitor. The entire tracking industry has been a shitshow for years, rife with corporate intrigue and personality conflicts.

  2. overwatch says:

    Isn’t it Russian Gruppa99 promoshoot photo on the background?

  3. rebeard33 says:

    Tom Brown Tracking School has been around since the 70s. I believe they have specialized MIL/LE courses.

  4. JKifer says:

    If you want sign cutting and tracking experience in hostile field conditions and always outnumbered your armed prey, joing the Border Patrol and serve in the CONUS SW. You actually get paid to do it..