
Survival Tactical Systems and ReadyMan Team Up to Create the Cold Weather Bug-Out-Bag

A lot of people think of survival, they think of activities associated with warm weather – camping, fishing, hiking and such.

Truth be told most of us are comfortable in warmer weather so it’s not surprising that we tend to practice and hone our survival skills during the summer months. This can be a dangerous and even ready mistake.


When you are faced with an emergency situation in the winter and find you haven’t adequately prepared.

Nick’s Cold Weather BUG-OUT-BAG will help you be prepared.

Read about it here:

ReadyMan Wilderness Survival Card

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4 Responses to “Survival Tactical Systems and ReadyMan Team Up to Create the Cold Weather Bug-Out-Bag”

  1. reverend says:

    To counter that very thing (and the fact none of us like hot weather) We’ve been cold weather camping for the past 8 years from Sept through March.

    You certainly learn a few things, like “most expensive gear” isn’t always the BEST gear. And a poncho liner is a thing of beauty for peeing at 03:00 in 10 degree weather.

  2. Hump says:

    A single-wall water bottle may be a better choice if using over a fire…