
Now Shipping! Magpul CORE Gloves in Additional Colors


If you have been waiting for your favorite Magpul CORE glove styles in colors other than black, today is the day! Magpul CORE Technical, Patrol and Breach gloves originally available in black only are now in stock and shipping in both Charcoal and Coyote color versions. In addition, the Magpul CORE Flight glove is now available in a classic Sage and Charcoal color combination.


3 Responses to “Now Shipping! Magpul CORE Gloves in Additional Colors”

  1. Cuvie says:

    What’s the consensus on these gloves and how do they stack up against the SKD PIG Gloves in terms of fit, comfort, grip, and durability? I haven’t heard anything about them since they were initially announced

  2. Marcus says:

    Magpul is really setting the bar high for rolling out new inventory after Shot. I’ve grown a little tired of companies who make announcements and 6-8 months later are still hanging out the “coming soon” sign.

    Here you not only have great innovative products but a real commitment to deliver quickly for users.

    Thank you gentlemen for showing others what dedication looks like.