RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

DEP Offers Knight’s Armament UNS Family Powered by the PHOTONIS INTENS Image Tubes

DEP, USA. Texas – The system enhancement company, DEP, LLC. now offers the Knight’s Armament Company (KAC) family of Universal Night Sights (UNS) powered by the recently released INTENS 4G image tube.

INTENS 4G significantly exceeds resolution and bandwidth sensitivity of any current image tube and is being fielded to various Special Missions elements.

Offerings will include the UNS A3, PVS-22, and PVS-30 clip-on night sights in both P43 (green) and P45 (white) phosphor.

KAC pioneered weapon sight use of the PHOTONIS white phosphor image tube in the KAC UNS over 6 years ago, with the system remaining serviceable following thousands of rounds and years of use.

All factory KAC warranties and service will apply.

Please contact KAC directly, a DEP distributor or DEP directly for inquiries.


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