AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

5.45 Design – Russian Made Performance Base Layer


30 Responses to “5.45 Design – Russian Made Performance Base Layer”

  1. Gerard says:

    Great video if you speak Russian, I assumed the two guys in the video were on the border with Ukrain and their packs contained the tradtional Russian source of winter heat, anti freeze called vodka!

    • Robert Sullivan says:

      You don’t need to speak Russian to see how effective the camo combination is, as far as the technical capability and design of the base layer, it’s like a pair of shoes, you don’t really know until you wear them in the field with extra weight on you shoulders.

    • Guy says:

      Russian border? I think you mean those are ‘Russian volunteers’ that got lost and wandered into Ukraine.

  2. bill says:

    *matching adidas track suit sold separately

  3. D.B. says:

    Funny how some are quick on the trigger with off the cuff, ignorant commentary.

    Must be the mention of the word ‘Russian’.

  4. Robert Sullivan says:

    Being a wildlife ecologist for the last 25 years, I have always advocated the light above and dark below, except in snow and sand. Clearly it is the better camo, leave it to the Russians show how well it works. US Army needs to get its head out of its armpit and use more ecologically sound camo.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Not sure what it has to do with ecology, but if you are talking about clothing US units have done this for years, over-white pants with camo tops is pretty standard for winter warfare.

      • SSD says:

        I remember reading Mountain Warfare manuals as a kid that showed this.

      • Robert Sullivan says:

        True, but the same is also true, in reverse, in arid and in open shrub or forest habitats. For example light on top and dark on the bottom not only breaks up the total objects shape but darker shadows are universally associated with proximity to the ground, while objects (torso) above the ground level are universally lighter because of reflection and lighting. So, a multicam pants and a desert top would also work very effectively, and I believe even more effective, than a uniformly multicam (for example) top and pants. However, this pattern likely would not please some in the brass who like uniformity. We saw this in Iraq when the Marines were still wearing their green packs on brown uniforms, unfortunately it was mostly in urban areas, where brown all over would have been the best pattern given the color of the architecture.

        • Jon, OPT says:

          You’re confusing logistics with tactics, don’t. Troops use what they have issued, it doesn’t mean they or the people they work for don’t know better (though sometimes that is the case), it is a logistical fielding issue, not a lack of knowledge, anyone who has ever stood on a battlefield with knowledge of an enemy trying to kill him knows exactly what makes them more vulnerable as a target.

  5. james says:

    any idiot who wears yellow lenses in white conditions is a goober! and that is all I have to say about that…

  6. Riceball says:

    Since this stuff is Russian I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that opinions on this stuff will be either it’s the greatest gear ever made or it’s absolute junk with few opinions of it in the middle.

  7. Bushman says:

    I will not say anything about particular performance underwear since it’s stupid to judge by the picture. But what I can definitely tell is that nobody has heard about this company before 2014. And originally it was an importer of tactical gear. Then, they started active promotion and even joined huge government-driven Kalashnikov holding, at the same time when “5.45 Design” brand was created. For me, it seems like it was created just for that case. So, keeping in mind how some companies are currently feeding on government contracts, granted by corrupt officials, I’d guess, it’s just another so-called “own design and production”, which is actually made in China. Current economic situation in Russia doesn’t seem to be good for starting any production business, since means of production and certain materials (including high-performance fabrics and fibers) aren’t made in Russia, while currency exchange rate is less than comfortable for purchasing it from abroad. It’s just an educated guess, but I’m pretty sure about that. There are other Russian companies on this market, known for their products for more than 15 years, and their product lines shrunk because materials became more expensive and demand went down. In these circumstances, a new company, that spends so much money on promotion, looks like another inflated bubble, covering some grey scheme of feeding on military budget.

    • SSD says:

      Thanks for the perspective.

    • Val says:

      I have to disappoint you by enlighten you that this base layer is made 100% in Russia. Company has bought the most advanced machinery (yes, Non Russian made) and is making everything locally. Yes, country is struggling due to sanctions but they made the country progress like never before and they are definitely not holding production business from starting, but visa versa . Until 2013 Russia did not need to produce all that because they could simply buy it from the west.

      Now with regards to the company/brand itself, has been on the market for more than 20 years. Company is investing its own money (has nothing to do with the government; its privately owned) into the product that End user is requesting/needing. It has never joined Kalashnikov even though they wanted to buy them. Also, 5.45 has an extremely good relationship with Western companies that help them invent, produce, and achive what they have done so far. About 80% of the product you see on those guys are made in Russia. Its a fact. And if you still have doubts or simply google is not giving you all the up to date info, you are more than welcome to visit them and see for yourself. But my educated guess is that you will say no because you can only write what you picture Russia to be, but not what it really is. You are simply afraid somewhere deep inside to realise that Russia is not what it was back in 80s and 90s.

      • babola says:

        But the poster was so sure that he could “definitely tell that nobody has heard about this company before 2014…”

        I’m not even a Russian, or Eastern European, but this level of ignorance and arrogance towards something/someone ‘Russian’ by most of the respondents here makes me cringe.

        Eric, you can say what you wan’t or delete my post, I don’t really care in this instance.

  8. Danielp40 says:

    I just want to know who makes the balaclava they’re wearing with the breathable nose and mouth.

  9. I learned everything I need to know about Russia from all the “driving fails” videos on YouTube! ; )

    But seriously, If I were to ask someone about effectively fighting and living in the cold; it would probably be the Russians.