SureFire XC3

Juggernaut.Case Introduces the New SLEEV and BUMPR Products for 2016

For years guys have been telling me that they wished Juggernaut’s handheld device cases were more affordable.  Now, they’ve leveraged everything they learned building the program-level cases in order to introduce streamlined variants that you can afford to buy out of your pocket. Check these out.

With more waterproof smartphones on the market, Juggernaut.Case™ introduces two new levels of protective cases evolved from our field-proven rugged hard case. The new cases are an affordable solution for users that don’t need all of the protection of the original Juggernaut.Case™ but still seek impact/drop protection in addition to full compatibility with all existing Juggernaut.Case™ mounts. The new cases are called the “SLEEV” and the “BUMPR”. Both are available with or without cables for connecting to Tactical Radios/Hubs.

While the SLEEV retains the capability to utilize the new QDD (quick disconnect DOOR) and the QD Cable assemblies via the two thumbscrews, the BUMPR is either Cabled or Non-Cabled with sealed access ports to the micro-USB connector and 3.5 mm audio jack. A new low-cost cable assembly for these cases that terminates in a standard USB-A connector allows unshielded data transfer and 5V power to the device from any portable external battery or car charger, etc.

For more information on these new cases visit: or download the PDF file at:


21 Responses to “Juggernaut.Case Introduces the New SLEEV and BUMPR Products for 2016”

  1. Matt says:

    Is everything they do Samsung based?

    • Mike says:

      I’d like to learn the “why” on Samsung. I wonder if they’re leveraging Samsung Knox?

      SSD, are Samsung devices the go-to for JTACs? Who else uses them?


  2. Griffin says:

    just search for Samsung in the search bar here on ssd for your answer, spoiler alert yes the military chose the android over ios

    • SSD says:

      There’s hope. USASOC is looking to transition to iOS.

      • Jack Daniels says:

        That transitioning to iOS would be better is highly disputable.

        I guess it would depend on their requirements – can’t comment on that – but technologically wise, Android is vastly superior and versatile, for exemple allowing a specially developed Android version (added security, field-optimised interface, etc) that simply isn’t possible with iOS, not to mention the much larger array of compatible hardware that makes it possible to build nearly anything to custom specifications at a surprisingly affordable cost.

        • SSD says:

          That specially produced Android version doesn’t want really exist, you know. Each time the vendor aka integrator buys batches of the device and individually modifies them.

          • Mike says:

            Or you could deploy an Enterprise Mobility Management system like Good Technologies, and then run whatever device you want and know it’s secure without having to rely on the native device security.

  3. Jeremy says:

    Are versions for earlier phones in the works as well? I would love to pick one up for my Galaxy S5.

  4. Csc0321 says:

    ATAK is currently Android only and that’s a huge part of JTAC usage. It seems Juggernaut caters towards the programs available which is overwhelmingly Android based.

    Then there’s the fact that Android is just plain better than IOS.

  5. Matt says:

    But there’s a very large IOS crowd they are missing out on.

    • Csc0321 says:

      What applications/ software does IOS have that you would want mounted to your kit? Siri? These cases are for specific purposes. I would have to raise the douche flag on anyone sporting one of these cases on a personal phone. That’s what Otter Boxes are for.

      These cases allow you to cable your phone to multiple devices such as radios

      • Mike says:

        To be fair, I’ve been rather unimpressed with the longevity of my past Otterbox cases. I’d like the same care that went into building my expensive phone to go into the case that protects it.

        As far as casting judgment goes, I see no reason why you could run a Magpul case but not this. Or if I wanted a solution to run my iPhone whilst hiking or hunting, this could be a great setup as the cables are optional.

    • We are tracking the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus… Also the iPad Mini. As iTAK becomes available, we will be poised with cases to support the iOS devices it runs on.

      • NinjaMedic says:

        That is ignoring the need for iOS users running things like Geosuite, Motorola Wave, and other critical use civilian applications. Having the ability to ruggedize an iPad Mini mounted to your pfd, when trying to manuever a Zodiac 420 swiftwater boat between houses (trying to find 5804 Springville Ln when the street signs are 4′ below the surface of the water isnt always a simple task) and georeference a 911 call would be useful. Just like many DOD users are locked in to Android devices many civilian users are issued iOS devices. Not to mention you are missing a huge market segment from a simple ecomnomic perspective.

        And Csc0321, just because you have a picture of a volunteer firefighter with his ass crack hanging out in your head does not mean that there are not legitimate use applications you do not have exposure to. Try to be less of a prick.

    • Greg says:

      It’s not that large of a crowd, iOS accounts for 23% of the market (using numbers reported back in May). Android on the other hand is 70%.

      It’s when companies decide to go iOS exclusive that you have to start scratching your head and wonder.

      • NinjaMedic says:

        I think thats somewhat misleading when considering the high levels of operating system fragmentation present in the Android ecosystem as well as the much higher number of device models with multiple form factors. The market is there, they already completed the designs through the prototyping phase; I am sure they have reason for not bringing the iOS device cases to market yet but for the life of me I don’t see them.

  6. Max VELIZ says:

    I ended up purchasing one of their cases about 8 months ago for a NOTE4 and I’m currently running killswitch on it , words can’t discrive how impressed I am with the quality of the product and their customer service was awesome , glad to see them making cases that are more affordable there is simply nothing else like it from a rugged perspective.

  7. Tcba_joe says:

    Is there any waterproofness to these cases? I think I might have an application for one in the future, but being in a maritime environment it would need to be waterproof.

    • BillC says:

      You’re joking right? Look at the pictures, observe the holes, and read the words.

      • Dan says:

        The S7 is waterproof, so this case will suffice for fresh water immersion for that particular pjone. But, if you’re talking sub surface salt water you’ll need one of the original style cases with sealed compartment.