SureFire XC3

Vickers Guide: AR-15 – Teaser Image


In anticipation of the upcoming Vickers Guide: AR-15, the team behind the book has release an ‘ultra’ high-res teaser image of an earlier AR-10. The image is around 200 Megapixels, and shows off an amazing level of detail. Thankfully, we were provided with a much lower resolution image (seen above) to spare our bandwidth, so if you want to see the real deal image, check out the link below:

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7 Responses to “Vickers Guide: AR-15 – Teaser Image”

  1. niels says:

    who new…?! the father of the M16 a dutch design …..

    • SSD says:

      No, they just bought the guns from Stoner.

    • Jason Smith says:

      No, Stoner invented the AR-10 on his own, evolved the gun at Armalite, and Armalite licensed production to the Dutch. The Dutch did make improvements to the gun, however. Read “The Armalite AR-10” by Evans, published earlier this year by Collector Grade Publications for the full story.

  2. Gerard says:

    Thats facinating I wasnt aware the AR10 was ever even produced

  3. Burdy says:

    I can’t stop looking at this thing. In some strange way, its the most beautiful gun I’ve ever seen.