Vickers Guide has announced that Ian McCollum of the popular Forgotten Weapons media channel has joined the Vickers Guide team as a historical advisor and commentary contributor. Ian is also traveling with Vickers Guide on various photo shoots, getting his hands on the actual firearms in the books, and interacting with Larry Vickers and team, so be on the lookout for future “on location” social media posts! Ian’s knowledge of historical firearms is profound and thoroughly well-rounded, and readers are certain to appreciate his contributions.

They are going to continue trickling out teasers as we get closer to the upcoming release of the next installment in the Vickers Guide series (Vickers Guide: WWII Germany).
Ian will be making his first Vickers Guide appearance in the upcoming Vickers Guide: WWII Germany release.
Additionally, Vickers Guide has a survey open to select the weapon for the print for the WWII Germany volume. Be sure to participate.