Protact by Haartz

Lipsey’s Guns to Launch Latest Vickers Edition GLOCKS on 15 September

Lipsey’s Guns will be hosting Larry Vickers on their Facebook page this Thursday, 15 September, during a Live session to announce their latest special edition GLOCKs. Pre-orders will commence during the broadcast. Below is a photo of the last two Vickers edition GLOCKs from Lipsey’s. They featured RTF-2 frames in Grey and were outfitted with Vickers Tactical aftermarket components.

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5 Responses to “Lipsey’s Guns to Launch Latest Vickers Edition GLOCKS on 15 September”

  1. mikemoe1 says:

    Sweet looking pistol. [Drooling] Stupid Kommiefornia & their stupid “approved handgun list.” Tyranny alive & well here.

  2. dudeabides says:

    The Glockmeister email from the other day already spilled the beans on this. Pics and all.

  3. PTMCCAIN says:

    The ones shown in the picture are not the same ones officially being revealed this Saturday. LAV posted an AC/DC styles image featuring 17/19 and the words “Back in Black.” I think that is a clue as to what color they are going to be. 🙂

  4. PTMCCAIN says:

    FYI…Larry Vickers just verified that the Glockmeister image is incorrect.

    • dudeabides says:

      Based on the official release today, not really sure how the Glockmeister one differs…