The product description for Armageddon Gear’s RUB is pretty funny.
We are not really sure what this bag is good for, but we got tired of George Gardner asking us to make it. So here it is. We’re sure you can figure it out. The obvious answer is to keep your loaded ammo on one side and then put your empties on the other side as you shoot ’em up. There are a million options, we’re sure.
Regardless, it’s a pretty good idea and proudly made in the USA of Mil-Spec materials. The RUB features the Armageddon Gear Lifetime Warranty and is available in Coyote or MultiCam.
Tags: Armageddon Gear
Looks like a Emdom split ammo sac that has been out for several years?
I thought the same thing.
Maybe George Gardner should have done a bit more shopping before pestering A Gear.
This still looks like an improvement though.
How so?
Internal divider and loop field on the outside for ID patches?
The Emdom-MM Split Ammo SAC does have an internal divider:
(The split version came out in 2011; the original non-divided SAC came out in 2008 which you might be thinking of).
It also has a outer slot pocket with clear window for an ammo box label or load data; which is more functional on an ammo bag than a velcro patch. The Ammo SAC also has D-rings if you want to put a shoulder strap on, and a small internal pocket for mag loaders.
Damn it, George, here’s your bag!