SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Daddy, What Did You Do In The Army?

Well son, I was a 98 Golf, but we didn’t have any Jeeps on a SOT-A and all that crap this smiling guy got to drive around, we carried in our rucksacks. Now help me out of this chair. My back’s acting up again.

31 Responses to “Daddy, What Did You Do In The Army?”

  1. Al Covey says:

    Funny how the alternative in the ad is broadcast journalist. Just saying…

  2. Adam says:

    Amen brother. At least we get a free meal on Friday. LMAO!

  3. John says:

    I was a 98B20 (cryptanalytic specialist) SP5 E-5, and I never had to go in the field. When I was in 98Gs were linguists.

  4. AbnMedOps says:

    Buckle that chinstrap!

    • John says:

      Back in the steel pot days, we weren’t supposed to buckle them.

      Unless jumping out of perfectly good airplanes.

  5. Disco says:

    He’s having way too much fucking fun.
    I knew guys who got beaten and sodomized with brooms just for saying “Nice weather we’re having today”.

  6. SGT Rock says:

    Hey Stud, I sure hope that canteen is full or you’re gonna be doing moatengators till I get tired.

  7. JKATX says:

    Yeah, I’ve got some back issues from being on a 3 man LLVI team, rucking 150+ lbs of intercept equipment, batteries, and radios.

    Some good times, though!

  8. Brando says:

    Look at that steel pot!

  9. Rugrash says:

    Daddy flew the DMZ in Korea and later with the 119th AHC (Crocs) at Camp Holloway in the Central Highlands of Vietnam in 1967.

  10. DSR says:

    Very cool old ad. I did the same thing but USMC RRT. It was a while ago. I went to DLI with 98Gs.

  11. Jester says:

    I thought that was an old advertisement for Gerald McRaney in Major Dad.

  12. willsew4kit says:

    Steel pot and BDUs. not EDRLs. You can narrow that add down to a very short period…

  13. straps says:

    “In the field” with his kit on doing “field type stuff,” and yet there’s tension on the antenna tiedown.

    Funny also how clean everyone was in those ads. You could almost smell Monday morning formation coming off the page.

  14. Bob Myers says:

    3rd RRU Phu Bai VN. I was a techie. Ugly altogether

  15. Vince says:

    I’m sure it was a paid douchebag for an advertisement company’s proposal for a recruiting campaign. The Army must have spent a fortune on advertising during the 80’s. This picture is obviously a poorly set up shot at tricking prospective enlistees into thinking smiles are accept in any branch. Everyone knows that you have to secure your sense of humor when you take the oath. Duhhh…it’s common knowledge. The only thing that hasn’t changed is Marine Corps commercials. Now those are worth smiling about! -Semper.

  16. Ranger Rick says:

    I always thought the USMC commercial from 1973 “I Never Promised You a Rose Garden” with Lynn Anderson’s song nailed it.

  17. Stefan S. says:

    Best Army commercial in the 80’s was “We were there”. It’s on youtube.