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CMC Triggers to Release GLOCK Triggers at SHOT Show

Look for a debut at Industry Range Day with shipment a few weeks after SHOT Show.



6 Responses to “CMC Triggers to Release GLOCK Triggers at SHOT Show”

  1. Gerard says:

    The face of that new trigger is so flat, I hope they perform as good as they look

  2. slasher says:

    I just hope they are drop safe. A lot of these flat faced triggers are not.

  3. Jason says:

    I’m totally confused by those triggers. Staple removers? Forklifts? Fangs?

  4. MidGasFan says:

    I love my CMC flat trigger for my AR and was super excited when I saw the headline of this post! But then I saw the trigger. I’m bummed!

    In my opinion, they overdid the fork on the bottom. And when I say overdid, I mean WAY overdid. A little ledge is nice but that looks like a glove catcher, just like Jack Griffin said above. Take that for what it’s worth(jack and crap, probably) but I have a few other flat triggers for Glock guns that are key awesome.

    I get why styling is important but I feel as though they went too far.