
SHOT Show 17 – Team Wendy CVC Adapter

Team Wendy had begun working on a new Combat Vehicle Crewman Helmet for a foreign government when they realized that they could adapt the Bose or RACAL ear protection associated with the DH-132A helmet to their EXFIL ballistic helmet. One advantage to this development is that Vehicle Crewmen will enjoy the same level of protection as ground troops whether mounted or dismounted. This also means they won’t need two helmets.

The secret sauce is the adapter seen above which attaches to their rail and captures the earcups around their circumference. Additionally, the ear cups can be stowed to the rear of the helmet when dismounted from the vehicle to maximize hearing.


30 Responses to “SHOT Show 17 – Team Wendy CVC Adapter”

  1. Joe says:

    I dont dare to wear team wendy in fear of having my safespace verbally assaulted by the local 3penisers at my range..

  2. matty says:

    Right? Dudes need to let that s**t go.

  3. Gordeaux says:

    This is so long overdue. We were modifying the crap out of our CVCs in 2012, fusing them with regular helmet pads, chin straps, and PELTORs. Old piece of kit that has some serious limitations as currently issued – good for TW for figuring this out.

  4. redbeard says:

    Nice job, Team Wendy! That’s a great innovation.

  5. 1c3 says:

    No, do not let the fact that this company supported the Clinton’s be swept under the rug.

    “But, but, but they make such a great product.”

    They also supported a candidate and more importantly the Anti 2A platform.


    • SSD says:

      I’m just curious. How many CVC helmets do you buy a year? Better yet, how many helmets of any type?

      I get that you’re pro-gun, I am too, but going on and on about a helmet company when you don’t work in their business space is a bit much. It’s like complaining about a submarine company when you don’t use submarines.

      Do what I do; have a conversation with them telling them how you feel, and then go give money to the NRA. That doesn’t mean sending them some crazy email full of expletives and threats, but a conversation. TW attends a great many trade shows and are very approachable.

  6. Mike says:

    Team Wendy is dead. Ops-core and Mtek

  7. NWJeep says:

    Despite what the Meal Team Six/Armchair Operators above say, Team Wendy has provided a fantastic product for years and has saved countless lives. Killary didn’t win and I’m sure Team Wendy leadership got the message of disdain this community threw at them after the announcement. Unless you have nothing better to do but spam every TW post on here, it’s about time we move on. I for one will contiinue to support them, both because they have a reputable product and great people.

    • Joe says:


    • 1c3 says:

      No, you do not move on and forget who has an anti second ammendment agenda.

      You can try and diminish those who call out TeamWendy with ad hominem attacks. But when you lift your head out of the sand and actually see the extent and history the owner and company has with financing not just the Clinton campaign but the entire anti 2A platform; it’s obvious that spending your money with another company is prudent.

      Thankfully your short sighted view is the diminishing minority. What we can do as a community is remind everyone of facts and history.

      • NWJeep says:

        I will take a stab in the dark and assume that your name is your AFSC, which would be command post. With that in mind, I will respectfully toss your opinion aside seeing as you most likely have never needed a TW helmet from your comfy desk chair. I’m no operator and I love my desk too but I know many good guys that are still here today because of their helmets. While I firmly believe politics should be separate from business for this very reason, there is absolutely no denying the lifesaving ability of TW products. That is where I will leave this conversation, I happen to have work to do. Take care.

        • 1c3 says:

          It currently is my AFSC, prior to that I was 3P0. There is this thing in the AF called cross training. Assuming an individuals knowledge base from a forum handle is never a good idea.

          With that in mind, I know a thing or two about helmets.

          But my years using them has little to do with the importance of keeping awareness of anti gun companies. Dismissing facts presented by an individual on the basis that they themselves have zero subject knowledge is the clearest way to display your blinded bias. Then again, so is signing off on an Internet thread. You’ll read this, and contemplate violating your commitment to not respond. It’s ok, and predictable.

          In any case, all I can do is reinforced the point that there are a wide variety of helmet and protective systems that have saved more lives than TeamWendy products, and they do not come at the cost of financing the very cause we fight against.

          • NWJeep says:

            Security Forces…knowing about helmets…3 percenter…molon labe…lol you can’t make this stuff up

            • 1c3 says:

              There you go again. You can’t defend the facts so all you can do is attempt disparage the individual. I thought you were busy at work?

          • SSD says:

            If you really want to know about ‘anti-gun’ companies, then go all the way down the rabbit hole. Research the political leanings and donations of every company that makes every single thing in your life. Before long, you’ll realize ignorance is bliss because you can’t avoid a brand that has donated to anti-gun aka Democratic candidates.

            • 1c3 says:

              That’s a fair and factual point. It leaves to us to rack and stack those companies degree of grievances. It also important to note that not all Democrat contributions or endorsements are anti 2A.

              But what is important is that the endorsement of an anti 2A Presidential candidate is far removed from municipal or state donations. TeamWendy was not lobbying for a manufacturing site, or legislation. They directly and overtly supported an individual for her firearm agenda.

              Hopefully when the Hearing Protection Act or other NFA restructuring bills pass Congress and come for a POTUS signature, remember if TeamWendy had its way it would be vetoed. With the direct help of your own money.

              • SSD says:

                There’s a reality here and it is lost on you. The reality is that some people don’t place the Second Amendment at the top of their priority list like you and I do, so they support candidates which align with other issues they find more important. Oftentimes, this results in across the board support for a party. This means wholesale support for a platform which includes things you might not agree with. Party politics are an ugly business. Consider how the two major parties conducted themselves during this most recent Presidential race.

                I happen to know for a fact that the owner of TW as well as many of the pricicpal employees of TW are gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment. But the thing is, they aren’t a gun company. They’re a PPE company.

                You’ve let Party politics sway your opinion without knowing the facts. This is why I think it is foolish for companies to engage in political action. This is also why I encourage you to engage them and learn more about their company.

                One final note, if pro-firearms legislation doesn’t pass this year, it’s because the Republican party doesn’t want it to. They hold both chambers of congress and the Presidency.

          • CJ says:

            Yeah, I was a 3P as well. Now I’m an 8F. Don’t be a douche.

            In full disclosure, I own a TW Exfil SAR helmet and a TW suspension kit for my ACH. I also am a NRA life member.

            • 1c3 says:

              Submitting facts without attacking an individuals character is pretty much the opposite of a “douche.” It’s called having civilized repartee.

              But your opinion to him is also equally worthless since your too are a 3% wanna be soldier like myself. Even worse, the first sergeant type that is removed from the operational environment and sit in those God awful contraptions making you too and “arm chair warrior.” 😉

          • Marcus says:

            So where did you actually see (not unfounded emails or blogs) that Team Wendy is anti 2A? So they hosted Hillary Clinton. Got that. They have probably hosted plenty of others as well. Just ridiculous watching this feeding frenzy continue based on false assumptions or alternative facts. The Team Wendy guys I have run into all love to shoot. They also happen to be great guys who provide great kit to our warfighters. Take off the blinders man.

  8. NinjaMedic says:

    So back to the topic of the CVC config, is there anything inherent in these headsets that cant be provided by standard peltor/liberator/ops ore tactical headsets with an appropriate adapter cord assembly? Kudos to TW for developing this but I’m curious of the benefit over simply replacing the CVC architecture with the existing solutions.

    • Jon says:

      The headsets are designed to better attenuate lower frequencies commonly found with the operation of ground vehicles, as well as an overall sound attenuation greater than traditional (Peltor, MSA, etc.) comms.

  9. Bobbi davro says:

    Full points for spotting an opening in the market but the only inovation here is a basic adaptor/bracket that looks Pretty much the same as the one peltor/ops core developed a long time ago