SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Bawidamann – Gotham AIWB Holster For G43/TLR6

Although he was trained as an artist, Andrew Bawidamann has become quite the holstersmith. He called me yesterday to tell me about a new version of his Gotham holster for the GLOCK 43 outfitted with a Streamlight TLR6.

-Right Hand/Left Hand
-Ultra concealable/comfortable. The compact single stack w/light is the next conceal carry “must have”
-Extended length holster for a more stable carry.
-Single Hook/double hook
-Wedge compatible
-Positive click retention
-Ohio made .08 Boltoron
-OEM Raven Concealment hardware

Hand made in the USA by Andrew Bawidamann

Available at

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6 Responses to “Bawidamann – Gotham AIWB Holster For G43/TLR6”

  1. Will says:

    Such an awesome product. His G19 holster is by the far the best wearing/comfortable appendix rig I’ve ever run with rds/wml pistol. His mag retainers are good to go too!

  2. EzGoingKev says:

    Am I the only one that wants a holster that covers the magazine release?

  3. Frank Richmond says:

    If it covers the mag release, it can prevent you from getting a full firing grip on the gun. Also, you are actually more likely to inadvertently press it because the pistol just has to be pushed in slightly to press the button up against that hard Kydex. I always take a Dremel tool to the mag release buttons on my Gen 4 Glocks anyway and round off all the edges and make them more low profile.

  4. Ross says:

    I agree, You are more likely to have the piece of the kydex the button is up against push it in than a random foreign object.

    I also like the ability to remove the mag while the gun is holstered, for a few reasons. Mostly just day to day maintenance, but also if you were to be in a situation where you need to reload one handed. If you only have one arm you would probably want to reholster the weapon to change mags. You might want to remove the mag while still holstered.

  5. Joe says:

    Looks like a mini Eidolon Holster

  6. EzGoingKev says:

    I am sorry, I said mag release for some reason when it is the slide lock I like to have covered.

    I have had it cut into my side in the past.