
Beez Combat Systems Releases GRID

Beez Combat Systems is releasing it first product with GRID, an advanced laser cut material using ACRONYM. We look forward to using GRID on our new products to lighten the load, increase mobility, and enhance performance.

AK47 5 mag chest rig GRID

Please visit AK47 Chest Rig GRID to see and order this new product.


3 Responses to “Beez Combat Systems Releases GRID”

  1. NWJeep says:

    Looks an awful lot like Blue Force’s MOLLEminus…

  2. J S says:

    That looks nothing like MOLLEminus. BFG uses a different laser cut geometry. Laser cut plate carriers and chest rigs have been around a lot longer blue force gear’s solutions.

    We should be happy that industry is pushing the limits on innovative materials and designs.

  3. George Schoelles says:

    Not something that can be easily applied by oneself