SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Sneak Peek – Honey Badger Stock for ARs from Q

New Hampshire-based Q teased everyone on Instagram with the declaration that they are working on a standard AR version of the stock they developed for the Honey Badger.

It offers a cool aesthetic, but as you can see, the Honey Badger variant incorporates guides which fit recesses in the receiver.


4 Responses to “Sneak Peek – Honey Badger Stock for ARs from Q”

  1. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Ok, I can dig it. I like the stock design, not sure how it’ll stack up to my current favorite (the MVB ARC), but I’m a fan of more options.

  2. BillC says:

    Give me a dremel and 10 minutes. I can make guide recess into a receiver. (just kidding)

    • bloke_from_ohio says:

      Buba the gunsmite absolutely will grind rails into their recievers. Should the design ever get copied by one of the low cost asian knockoff outfits, I would buy stock in dremel.

  3. Airborne_fister says:

    Is this like the Geissle charging handle? Where it blocks the gas from flowing back into the shooters face?