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ADS Presents – 20th Anniversary Edition Military Dive Equipment Pocket Guide

Many probably don’t know that ADS started out as Atlantic Dive Supply and got into the Tailored Logistic System game back when it was called Prime Vendor and focused on Diving equipment, primarily for the Navy. In the late 90s, the military diving community found itself using outdated equipment, with more of the same sitting on the shelf in supply depots, while the commercial and recreational diving communities enjoyed constant updates to their equipment.

The Defense Logistics Agency took a look at the issue and decided the best way to deal with the issue was to outsource. They issued contracts to several suppliers of dive equipment which allowed the military diving community to purchase approved civilian equipment to enhance their operations. For DLA and the supported Warfighter, it meant no more outdated equipment sitting in the shelf, but rather access to the latest equipment. As the Dive community also encompasses special operations units, they began to leverage the Prime Vendor program for other organizational clothing and individual equipment needs. Over the years, the program has grown and evolved into the TLS program we know today.

In their 20th year, ADS has issued this handy “pocket guide” to the equipment they offer specifically for the diving community.

FOr more information, visit www.adsinc.com and get your copy here.

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